Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 25 00:52:31 EDT 2005 | ktron
Hi all, Recently I had problem with printing the lead free solder paste, almost every board has bridging especially on the fine pitch locations. Anyway this problem never happens when we use leaded solder paste. So I would like to ask if there are a
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 17:10:15 EST 2001 | davef
If you don�t paste / reflow solder on the pads, they will never bridge. ;-) A design with a 0.13mm gap between pads will challenge equipment, materials, and process.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 09:28:11 EST 1999 | Dave F
Glen: So that's this metal? Is it in the area of PTH or SMT solder connections? Etc, Etc. Assuming its near connections where pasted is reflowed ... Reflow defects, bridging: misplaced components, high placement force mushrooms paste, too much p
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 13:04:08 EDT 2005 | slthomas
Are you saying that increasing the frequency of cleaning to every 3 boards *reduced* bridging, or that it's just something you tried? I don't understand why that would help(in my experience it has reduced "insufficient solder" conditions but not brid
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 11:56:44 EST 2001 | mparker
Pad spacing is just one element to consider. Your pad spacing is determined by the pitch (center to center distance between the leads). There are several good resources to find the appropriate pitch per device. Search the archives here or refer to th
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 27 09:35:24 EDT 2005 | russ
What is the viscosity of your lead free paste vs. your lead paste?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 17:47:42 EDT 2024 | dwl
Is your stencil worn out? If your once flat stencil is now wavey, you will be depositing more paste. Ideally, you'll have historic SPI data to compare known good volumes from past prints to the current. Another possibility is moisture. Bake your boa
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 18:37:27 EST 2001 | steven
sometime hand solder can cause also. no necessary have to be paste n reflow.:) now i'm facing bridging on 0402 components pads. any suggestions on spacing distance as we're going to re-design the pcb.
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 10:53:05 EDT 2001 | bentzen
For reflow soldering, you are correct ! The higher surface tension of the solder paste in nitrogen atmosphere can increase the number of solder bridges if the component or solder paste print is inaccurate. Another defect that might increase is tomb
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 03:12:57 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22
Possible route causes of bridging on fine pitch ICs are; too much paste (stencil aperture wrong), poor print quality (paste smudges during printing), pcb pads not flat depending on the solderable coating, paste has poor cold slump properties, too muc