Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 09:55:32 EDT 2012 | dyoungquist
Techspray makes a liquid called "Eco-Stencil SMT Stencil Cleaner" and also pre-saturated wipes by the same name. We spray the cleaner on the stencil and then use the wipes to clean the paste off of the stencil. Putting 1 wipe in each hand and rub
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 17:00:39 EDT 2006 | a_laser
The most common rates of in-process cleaning (under wipe) I have encountered are once per 5 to 10 prints. But this depends a on a lot of variables. More often is typically better, but more costly in under-wipe materials. (For some more info see http:
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 17:38:44 EST 2001 | davef
OK, lemme take a different angle on this, �cuz I forgot to touch on this when I first responded. I mentioned a study ["Evaluation of Low Residue Soldering for Military and Commercial Applications: A Report from the Low-Residue Soldering Task Force"
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 10:18:36 EDT 2012 | pctech
Greetings everyone, I am trying to figure out away to clean our stencils by hand. Unfortunately, we do not have a stencil cleaner due to size and finance of our company. I am using Ionox to clean them daily.But the walls do not come clean. Is this a
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 14:55:26 EDT 2012 | davef
Not the best situation in the world, but you know that. Check with printer equipment suppliers [eg, DEK, MPM, etc] for a product called "Stencil Clean Wipes." Back in the old days, we'd: * Wipe the stencil with a solvent soaked wipe * Put the sten
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 03:17:21 EDT 2011 | richieoreilly
Hi, Thanks for the info. The current process is a standard SMT hand soldering process. The time does not include cleaning, prepping and pre-tinning. Its just the time for the re-flow of one joint itself. We are waiting on some new tips to experimen
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 16:48:29 EDT 2011 | jax
assuming Sn05Pb93.5Ag1.5 Without knowing what you are trying to solder, PTH or SMT, the time might not be that far off. Does that time include stripping, cleaning, plating the leads prior to soldering onto the board?... pre-tinning the board as well
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 20:01:46 EDT 2012 | vergara1
Thanks for the advice. We have only done one PCB > with HMP solder and did not use preheating, but > I've been wondering if it would have been helpful > since we had some trouble getting the solder to > flow. If you have any more specific advice
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 08:25:43 EDT 2005 | davef
Q1 Can anyone explain to me what is the clean and non clean solder? A1 The trend away from CFCs has lead many users to evaluate switching to no-clean soldering processes. The term "no-clean" is actually a common misnomer when used to describe a flux
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 04:37:52 EDT 2005 | chandran
1.Can anyone explain to me what is the clean and non clean solder? 2.What is the standard solder paste height spec for stencils 4mils,5mils and 6mils? 3.Whatis the meaning for ROHS?