Electronics Forum: solder resist void on via (Page 1 of 3)

void on BGA Ball due to via on BGA pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 16 10:00:03 EDT 2002 | davef

You have a very bad situation. It�s tough for the gas, flux material, er whatever to escape when the BGA is sitting on top of it and the blind via is blocking it from the other side. Obviously the vias should have been: * Placed on the edge of the

via masking

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 20:54:23 EST 2001 | davef

There is neither �nominal thickness� nor �is there a set maximum� for via masking. We use some of our vias as test pads. So, as you�d expect, we get rabid when we get mask bleed onto these pads. IPC-6012 - Qualification & Performance For Rigid Pri

Blow Holes voids in solder fillet on caps

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 17:05:46 EDT 2012 | davef

Here’s what we seem to know: * There’s a problem with voiding in the solder connections of SMT capacitors * A void is an open area caused by air or process fluid that is trapped within a solder connection * Voids are an allowable condition as long as

Blow Holes voids in solder fillet on caps

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 09:57:50 EDT 2012 | mosborne1

blow holes and via holes are almost always caused by moisture and in PTH they could be moisture and improper drilled holes. If you are seeing solder balls next to the parts than I would say you have a reflow profile problem. Are you using any kind of

Solder Spotting on Gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:51:20 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

This text may be of interest to any one with tin lead spots Guide to Solder Spots - A New Plague in Manufacture ? So what are solder spots ? They appear to be the next big problem in modern reflow assembly in fact in any process that involves solder

Void on soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 17:43:57 EDT 2007 | tphan

Board had a via hole underneath of the solder pad of the BGA. When it run through reflow oven, it caused a lot of void. How to correct this issue?

Void on soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 22:52:56 EDT 2007 | davef

Choices are: * Respin the board to move the via so that it is no longer under the pad. * Have the board fabricator plug and plate over the via. Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background.

Void on soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 17:11:28 EDT 2007 | rpadilla

Is the via hole not supposed to be there, or is this by design? If you are trying to fill the via hole with solder and not have voiding issues, I suggest using a type 4 solder powder mesh size. Reason being, anytime you go beyond Type 4 mesh, to so

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 25 08:54:37 EDT 1999 | Tom Gervascio

| We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is that after

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 10:25:12 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is that a

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