Electronics Forum: soldering angle (Page 1 of 34)

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Sun May 09 06:34:53 EDT 2004 | alex

i want to know that friends what is the angle of conveyor in wave soldering machine to get good soldering , can we adjust angle

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 09:57:32 EDT 2004 | loz

Can you advise why the angle would need to be larger for LF process? Thanks loz

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 20:16:02 EDT 2004 | wdlau

it can adjusted per the machine and your boards, Not a fix for every board, also if you are talking about the LF wave soldering process, it should be moved to largr angle compared to the tranditional sn/pb soldering

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:30 EDT 2004 | pjc

most machines have fixed angle of 6 deg. some are adjustable from 5 - 7 deg., but 6 is most popular.

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 07:34:42 EDT 2004 | RLeonard

The standard machine is set from the factory at 7-9 degrees, 7 is the most standard, why are you considering the change? before doing any thing to the machine, first identify why? what type of defects are you seeing? I have found, depending on the t

AOI side angle cameras

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 07:37:31 EDT 2009 | tony_d

Hello Reese, We currently own two MIRTEC MV-3 desktop machines and one MV-7 inline machine (so you can tell right away that I am a little biased.) We had an opportunity to evaluate both the YESTech and MIRTEC machines on our production floor. The

AOI side angle cameras

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 03:09:14 EDT 2009 | fede

We have one YesTech F1 working and a second one purchased on the way. So far, in my half year experience with it, we check solder and lifted leads with TOP cameras. The only ocations I use side cameras are when I have to inspect odd components that

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 22:01:19 EST 1999 | Dean

| Anyone knows what is the optimum squeegee angle for screen printers. | | 45 Degrees. The forward velocity creates a downward pressure equal to the vector pressure (equalibrium). This is commonly known as paste "rolling action". Too obtuse an an

AOI side angle cameras

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 13 05:54:39 EDT 2009 | rway

Hello all, We are looking to purchase another AOI system with side angle cameras. Currently we are using a YesTech M1 system that has only a top-down camera (it can't be upgraded with side cameras). Does anyone have experience with YesTech F1 sys

AOI side angle cameras

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 12:39:11 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

Hello Reese, Lifted leads are and have always been a big concern for us. We were using a system that had 12 cameras total. 8 angled and 4 top-down. I could not get that to catch lifted leads without having a ton of false calls. I thought that may

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