Electronics Forum: soldering handbook (Page 1 of 7)

soldering books

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 18:51:59 EDT 2000 | Steve Thomas

Looking for the best choice in books on soldering processes, primarily reflow but wave is going to be with us for a while so..... If you had to buy one today, which would you start with? Here's the list I gleened from the archives: Coombs, CF, "Pr

Beginners' steps to run wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 15:19:38 EST 2006 | Samir

Read Ralph Woodgates', "The Handbook of Machine Soldering." Ralph is a true lead-head from way back, and his expertise is Wave Soldering. I know later editions have sections on that new fangled technique, "Reflow Soldering", but Ralph does a very c

Beginners' steps to run wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 15:03:56 EST 2006 | davef

Q1- Will we be able to select the materials (flux and alloy) and run the process depending only on ourselves, distributors� help, machinery documentation, web data and �trial and error?� A1- Your materials suppliers [eg Kester, Alpha Metals, etc] wil

Re: Poor solder joints on QFP 100's

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 03:26:09 EST 1999 | Chris May

Steve, Two good reference books to have are 1) SMT Soldering Handbook by Rudlof Strauss (ISBN 0-7506-3589-4) 2) Soldering In Electronics by R.J. Klein Wassink( ISBN 0-901150-24-x) Regards, Chris

Re: in need of smt book

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 22 05:02:58 EDT 1999 | Chris May

John, Have a look in Farnell page 1896 pt. No. 198-870 @ �50.00 SMT Soldering Handbook. OR for the "Bible", try to source "Soldering in Electronics" by R.J. Klein Wassink. Regards, Chris.

problem in solderability

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 02:47:31 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

i read in smt soldering handbook that by placing the device in a 125`c within 48 hours the moisture will be removed what do you think about this method ?

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 17:32:07 EDT 2005 | toromaster

we also have a need to measure the solder bond strength of our gull wing parts on our pwb. there are many published comparisons between eutectic SnPb and no Pb solders out there. the number that comes to mind is about 10N to 15N. I have not looked

SMT Text Book

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 20 11:41:07 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

Cool name! Bong. You must be from the Philippines. The book that I grew up on as a kid right out of college who never saw a wave solder machine in his life was this one: http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Machine-Soldering-SMT-TH/dp/0471139041 "The Han

Zn/Pb Diffusion

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 19 15:48:28 EDT 2002 | davef

I don�t know much about zinc either. I can tell you that zinc forms no intermetallics with lead. So, I�m not so sure that �diffusion� is the correct term. Of the following: * Hwang "Modern Solder Technology For � * Wassink "Soldering In Electronic

Solder Wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 11 16:24:16 EDT 2005 | Sue PH

The soldering handbook that I use gives a 'rule of thumb' for best preheat temps for wave soldering. For multilayer brds that are metal core it suggests 110 to 130 degrees C topside temp to get the best solder fillet. We do a lot of multilayer meta

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