Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 21:25:59 EST 2017 | jandon
SonFlux EZ is not suitable for water SOLUBLE flux. SonoFlux Servo can be equipped with parts that whitstand corrosive water soluble fluxes. SonoFlux Servo was about 19k€ in 2011 (including installation).
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 11:33:44 EDT 2006 | bill
I have inherited a SonoFlux 9500 spray fluxer. It appears to have never been used and was build in 1999. It is missing the nozzle and a couple of other parts. Would it be worth it to get this thing up and running to replace a foam fluxer? Does an
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 17:08:25 EDT 2006 | TD
If you have a titanium version it will be fine. Get the serial nuber off of the unit and call Sonotek to find out if your OK. WS fluxes are more aggressive on the standard metal that they use..thus the titanium version.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 11:11:48 EST 1998 | John Hardy
We have installed a Sonoflux atomized mist fluxing unit (Model 9500)on our Future 1 wave solder machine. We are concerned that the retrofitting of this unit may not have been appropriate for our equipment, as we are now experiencing many problems wi
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 11:08:59 EST 2002 | Claudine Y. Corda
Ashok, a few suggestions.......steel/brass fittings anywhere in the flux line can cause that problem; also, check the transfer tank (if used) for cleanliness . There may be a problem with the pump, if you are using Sono-Tek's SonoFlux system then p
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 12:55:17 EDT 2006 | russ
Definitely better than foam!! I personally love the sonoteks. They do not really use a "nozzle" by the way. The flux is pooled on U.S. head and it atomizes it and then you have air spray to form proper spray pattern, If you are using Water soluble
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 12:52:04 EST 2017 | charliedci
We installed a SonoFlux ultrasonic spray fluxer, replacing the foam fluxer in our Electrovert Econopak wave in 2014. The cost at that time was 16K, installation included. We ran water based flux through it and as long as we kept it clean, worked well
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 23:08:03 EDT 2005 | donb
G'day all, Does anyone have a SonoFlux 2000F fixed head spray fluxer? If so, can you please give me feedback on the quality of flux coverage and topside fillets as compared to a reciprocating head system. We are in a position where we need to spen
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 17:34:24 EST 2006 | Vincent Whipple
Hello Bill, I have been away from the office and just got back to see this posting. Sorry for the late reply. Give us a call at Sono-Tek and we would be happy to assist with your spray fluxer and your wave process. We support any machine with our nam
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 00:16:56 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
Hello I am having a problem with the flux in the wave solder, I am using a sonoflux 9000 this machine uses a air knife to spray the flux, it creates a mist that when hits the air knife pulls the mist up to the pallet where the board is, but for som