Electronics Forum: speedline up2000 hie (Page 1 of 14)

ap25 hie

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 18 17:54:53 EDT 2011 | swag

Yea, it's tough and takes 25 disks. Not sure if there's a better way. As for NT, we bought NT upgrade packages from Speedline for all three of our AP25's. The backup is then done on a CD burner. I can't remember the cost of it all. However, be a

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 13:36:11 EST 2006 | SWAG

Maybe Carol Anne will come to the light and levitate the stencil to match the blade hieght.

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 09:42:36 EST 2006 | realchunks

Now I get it. LOL!

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 12:21:10 EST 2006 | realchunks

Now I get it. LOL!

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 15:21:41 EST 2006 | Tim G.

Me usta werk for DEK hate MPM!

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 05:52:21 EST 2006 | Rob

Me usta use DEKs (& their crappy paste inspection), love MPM's.

Want order Mpm up2000

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 04:41:15 EST 2006 | Fbz China

Want purchase serial number: Mpm up2000 or Ap hie telephone number:086-13823203214 email: fbzgr@vip.163.com

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 20:32:08 EDT 2006 | foxhound

The squegee blades on the machine won't move down to level whenever I make a program. It has a standard head. I can jog them manually in calibrate mode but when I try to make a program they don't work. Why?

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 16:47:24 EST 2006 | SWAG

If there is a tactile sensor on this machine, make sure the switch works properly (view input test screen while pushing plunger in and out) and clean/oil the plunger.

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 13:25:21 EST 2006 | john_smith

Don't you just love those good ole MPM printers? Don't worry they hate us too.

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