Electronics Forum: stainless (Page 1 of 35)

stainless steel for SMT stencil

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 08 08:07:20 EST 1998 | jerry

Who can deliever the stainless steel for SMT stencil

Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 10:33:31 EST 2000 | Francois Racine

First I'm a french people so excuse my bad english writing. I have a complete smt production line. First a screen printer DEK 240, a chip shooter PANASERT MVIIV, a multifonction machine MULTITRONIKS EP6000, a reflow oven at the end of the SMT line a

Shelf life of electro-plated tin-lead on stainless steel

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 15:57:56 EST 2003 | Marc Simmel

Are there specifications or recommendations for electro-deposited tin-lead plating thickness on austenitic stainless steel that would provide a shelf life of 1 year? 6 months? Would 2 to 3 microns (78 to 118 micro-inches) 90/10 tin-lead over 1.27 mi

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 09:30:11 EST 2000 | MARK ALDER

Please refer to the archives on SMTNET date 02/19/1999 on aperture sizes for printing SMD adhesives. Regards Mark Alder

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 06:12:20 EST 2000 | Dane Stokes

Also in some instances a 10% decrease on glue size would be needed for the smaller S.O.T. sizes out there. If you are dealing with a good company to make your screen they should send you back a preliminary art work file on the Screen to be made so yo

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 21:05:06 EST 2000 | sin

Why don't you have stencil house make a selective wave fixture for your product so that you can avoid the glue problem. If it's a must for your process to have glue, you just add extra work and glue tended to contaminate. Just a suggestion..if you

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 12:39:41 EST 2000 | Dave F

Francois: Sound like a messy process to me. Choice #1: Put only SMT parts on the primary side Choice #2: Put only SMT parts on the primary and secondary sides Choice #3: Put only SMT and PTH parts on the primary side Choice #4: Put only SMT and

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 13:16:02 EST 2000 | Rob Fischer

Don't feel alone. Many assemblers have the same problem but aren't fortunate enough to have say in the design of the board. They're either have a capital invedtment in a selective solder machine or pallets designed to mask bottom-side SMD. The pal

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 10:14:40 EST 2000 | Jim N

We bulid many boards with fine pitch on solder side and then wave. We use a wave fixture that is custom for each board. The fixture covers the SMT components and only exposes the PTH lead during the wave process. It requires about .070 to .100" clear

Shelf life of electro-plated tin-lead on stainless steel

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 08 10:04:26 EST 2003 | severs

Once you have selected your plating based on electrical and physical requirments, you should know that there is an inexpensive plastic storage packaging developed by Lucent which can keep any platings solderability from degrading for up to 10 years o

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