Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 21:28:22 EST 2000 | Dave F
Tobacco smoke is made up of "sidestream smoke" from the burning tip of the cigarette and "mainstream smoke" from the filter or mouth end. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of different chemicals which are released into the air as particles and gases.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 14:04:19 EDT 2008 | realchunks
So you blamed the president of the United States for this?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 01 18:49:27 EDT 2009 | stevenlimth
1smtdude, I interested in your explaination of re-work an underfill part. You mention the material can be heated to a plastic state to become vicious... do you know usually what range is the temperate? (guess it can depend on the type/manufacturer o
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 03 23:24:55 EST 2001 | CAL
We test Parts and Components to IPC J-std-002/003. We also use a wetting Balance tester to determine solderability. We also test with SERA. We use ROSA to electrochemically revert the components back to their original state. Need more info ... email
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 10:01:13 EST 2005 | davef
Examples are: * Commercial airliner manufacturers are exempt. Regardless, Airbus announced that they plan to comply. A short time later, Boeing announced they would comply. * California with its copying RoHS legislation into state law has been form
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 15:09:32 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip
Jani, I got it from a very vague spec. from a solder paste supplier who stated, "It is not advisable to refrigerate an already opened container." Sorry, but I don't have details why. My guess is, several temperature excursions, after the air-tigh
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 17 08:57:13 EDT 2000 | Ashok Dhawan
Smtnetters One more question on ESD Control program. Does anyone ground there power equipments and how ? e.g., Pneumatic torque tools , electric screwdrivers, hand soldering stations, solder pots etc. I am not sure about pneumatic hand tools , howev
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 20:17:43 EDT 1998 | Dave Kalen
(fishing).. | Has Sanyo developed a bulk feeder for 201's and do you feel that bulk feeding will be the next big move in placement equipment? | In New England people are talking bulk feeding, but few people have elected to go that way. | As wit
Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 18:23:52 EDT 2008 | adamcrum
The reason my company was fined, was because they faile to file a one page document stating that they disposed of more than 100lbs of leaded solder in a year. The fine was not for creating toxic waste, as we diposed of the solder PROPERLY in accorda
Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 15:37:23 EDT 2009 | 1smtdude
Depending on the material chosen, it's possible to �rework� underfilled components. However, it's far from a production process. Two steps are usually required. First: remove the package from the PCB. Second: remove the residual underfill from the P
Golden State is a contract manufacturer that makes wire harnesses, electromechanical assemblies (box builds, subassemblies, PCBAs, kits, etc.) and services (sorting, rework, value additive manufacturing engineering)
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