Electronics Forum: surface mount rf shield (Page 1 of 4)

Suface mount shield pad size

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 14:01:33 EDT 2009 | wbrenner

Has anyone used Orbel E-Z SHIELD, Surface mount two-piece fence and cover? They do not recommend pad size, any suggestions In addition, we are considering RFI Clip (Autosplice PN MINI7-V2004115AA/TT). I have concerns about alignment, Possible flo

Suface mount shield pad size

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 21:25:16 EDT 2009 | davef

On Orbel E-Z SHIELD, Surface mount two-piece fence and cover: Make the pads 1:1 with the pads on the fence. On Autosplice MINI 7-V2004-115 RFI Clip floating: * Autosplice recommended pad small dimension is very close to the small dimension of the pa

RF surface mount assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 12:43:40 EDT 2000 | rcroteau

RF pcb is all gold with no typical land patterns and multiple surface mount components sharing the same pad. IPC-610-B doesn't speak to inspection criteria. The problems I'm seeing are, insufficient solder, skewed components. Some of the pads have

Re: RF surface mount assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 19:43:06 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Some RF components are made in copper in weird spiral and parallel strip-line shapes. I'd either: * Send the boards back to where ever you got them and tell that bird brain to use SM-782 pads and practices. ... OR * Get the bird brain that sent you

Re: RF surface mount assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 12:10:16 EDT 2000 | Boca

On the money as usual! (Your subtle approach is something to behold. Much like my approach, which has gotten me into more grief over the years than I should be allowed to have.) Boca

Re: RF surface mount assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 20:29:54 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Tanx Beyond keeping one in hot water, I found that this subtile approachs virually assures that you don't get promoted to the point that you get an opportunity to ruffle the feathers of the pimadonnas. Musta breathed too much flux fumes!!! Don't

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 09:18:28 EST 2005 | chunks

EMI shields are no fun! Your process will depend on your design and condition of the shields. We always break the shields into their own process. Because the shields are never flat, screen printing paste and trying to reflow them only caused huge

Shield Clips

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 17:07:23 EDT 2001 | Dave G

I've mounted the $%&R$#$&%$(&! pain in the neck shield clips in the past. (Excuse the simulated profanity- I couldn't help myself.) What we went to was a frame & shield combination. (The frames are cast & then plated w/tin. We have used both plastic

Shield Clips

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 13:44:43 EDT 2001 | Hussman

Hello All! I've been asked to change a current design using a shield. Currently we build it by using silver epoxy adhesive to make electrical connection. Just wondering if anyone out there has a experience with using surface mount clips that hold

SMT Design Issues for 2225 Capacitors in High Power RF

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 16:14:36 EDT 2011 | wmburke

We are building a plasma diagnostic to monitor MHD phenomena in tokamak. As part of the development, we need high-voltage, high-power RF capacitors to tune and match an inductive load. This application is similar to a small induction heater, with t

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