Electronics Forum: table motor (Page 1 of 6)

Accuflex MPM X,Y table issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 09:49:34 EST 2010 | remullis

Hello to all, I am having problems with the X,Y table initializing. I noticed the Skew motors 17M1 and 17m2 are moving but the table keeps wanting to drive in the left direction standing in front of machine. It will keep trying to drive until it tim

Accuflex MPM X,Y table issue

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 04:41:38 EST 2010 | accuspares

Hi, The input indicators can be located by selecting the 'Input' page located in the 'Diagnostics' drop down menu. Just select the Align tab at the top of the page and you'll be able to see when the nearly home and home sensors change state. The pr

Accuflex MPM X,Y table issue

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 10:53:41 EST 2010 | remullis

I started swapping motor cables and sensor cable doing a process of elimination and never found a problem, I put everything back to original and it homed. I not sure if it was a connection issue or it was a sequence of homing the machine needs to do

contact pick and place table not homing

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 13:55:45 EDT 2023 | markhoch

I think we need more information. Is it moving at all? Does it move to a reference position and then stop before returning to the home position? Have you verified that all sensors are working correctly? Does the machine use stepper motors, motors & e

contact pick and place table not homing

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 14:35:47 EDT 2023 | lauri

Thanks for the response. We have checked everything except the stepper motor, which we will try. But as we were checking everything now we've developed a software (?) problem. A msg comes up "can't find DSP".

Mydata Lift motor 2 amplifier error

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 10:21:30 EDT 2015 | azdback

troubleshooting a table lift error on MY12. Error code: F-MOT_Releaseboard conveyor lift/1304. Basically, the table got stuck on the up position. Also bench tested both lift motors and they are ok.Rotated the lift motors manually to test the encoder

Samsung SM45FV NEO Z axis motor change

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 13:50:18 EST 2024 | erikfriesen

Thank you, there are a few more things in that service manual than I have. Really what I was looking for, and didn't find, is there any type of comp table for the ballscrew on these machines?

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 18:47:08 EDT 2011 | rodrigo

Hi all, We just got this machine and it is not fully functional. I read somewhere here that the folder mint has some useful stuff. I run mint and it said that it cannot communicate with card 0,1,2,3 (x1,x2,x3,x4). It said to make sure the cards are

my12 motor amplifier channel a error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 15:33:57 EST 2014 | hans88

Hello Rob, Thanks for your fast reply. I will check the parts you mentioned. You were right about the mot card we swaped it with a new one but that made no difference. Today we tried to find were the problem could be we: - removed the j1, j2 and

Dek Horizon 265 Rising Table Motor

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 14:44:34 EDT 2013 | falvarez

Im needing an Rising table motor for Dek Horizon, but with a 4000 count encoder, because that motor i bought become with a 1000 count encoder and not worked. any suggestion?

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