Electronics Forum: thieves (Page 1 of 7)

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 13:37:22 EST 2003 | dwanzek

I need some input on what good solder thieves dimensions should be. I am limited to solving my bridging problem with solder thieves; all process/wave variables have been adjusted to try to solve this problem. There are several of these connectors on

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 16:23:30 EST 2003 | russ

I agree with DDave, You have something else wrong! .100 dips with .05" lead protrusion should not bridge (in fact I would think that it would be almost impossible). Tell us about your machine, (laminar flow, A-wave, etc.., size of nozzle, wave heig

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 10:15:09 EST 2003 | dwanzek

Bridges are front to back. To me this seems to indicate thieves would pull the solder away from the pins. I feel I am correct in that theory. Yes, it would be a good idea for us to bring in a consultant but I have the opportunity right now to make b

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 10:38:51 EST 2003 | davef

Given that you are bridging front to back, contast the situation with the thiefs used to prevent bridging when wave soldering SOIC. If this is reasonable, the thiefs should be located behind the trailing connector pins. You can prove-out this [and

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 13:45:15 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Good Luck, I worked a long time with THT components like you discuss and boards totally or partially populated. Dee Machines, Electroverts, Hollis and an other and never had the kind of problems you are listing stayed with us forever. I mean you

THT connector solder thieves

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 07:13:39 EST 2003 | davef

Tell us more about the location of the bridging [ie, front-to-back, back-to-back, front-to-front, etc]. Thoughts are: * Your annular ring around the hole seems large. You have 0.007", consider 0.003" to be the minimum. Your board fabricator can gi

Connector solder thieves - through hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 12:06:58 EST 2003 | dwanzek

I need some input on what good solder thieves dimensions should be. I am limited to solving my bridging problem with solder thieves; all process/wave variables have been adjusted to try to solve this problem. There are several of these connectors on

SOIC solder thieves vs enlarged trailing pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 17:36:48 EDT 1998 | Ted Nicholas

Hello! Does any one know of a disadvantage of using the Phillips recommended wave solder SOIC footprint where the last pad on each side of the SOIC is enlarged, instead of placing an extra pair of pads behind the SOIC. Both footprint patterns seem e

Wave soldering STSOP32

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 15 08:27:31 EDT 2002 | davef

I can't comment on 20 pitch TSOP, but wave soldering wider pitch parts require: * Orienting components with the leads perpendicular to the wave [moving parallel to the rails]. * Thieving [robbing] pads on trailing pads for the component. Search the

Depanel Scraps?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 01 12:49:26 EST 2021 | proceng1

Perhaps for the future, you could have your board house add copper thieving to the edges. I don't know if that will increase cost though. Most of our arrays come in with copper thieving and we don't ask for it. At least then you'd have copper in

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