Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 19:06:44 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, Yes, forget Guru, he's a "tosser" who talks "bolloks". Did you ever notice the English have fantastic words for putting people down? Anyway back to the original question. A manual stencil printer might be ok if your not doing anything too tric
Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 15:06:36 EDT 2009 | c111
we had many problems with this. there is no standard that I could ever find. we came up with our own after weeks of headaches. we use 25% as our guide line we use window pain only for the center paid to allow for out gassing and reduce 15-20% globaly
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 19:58:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F
broad answer. There's tons of suppliers. Go to "Circuit Assembly" magazine web site and look-up flux suppliers in the "Buyers Guide." Broad line suppliers are Kester, Alpha ... They will make you answer: I'm joining bla, bla, bla metals, using b
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 00:55:34 EDT 2001 | philipreyes
Hello Billy!! IPC 7095 covers all the design rules and guide lines in BGA assembly and inspection, this will help you a lot in your problem...But based on your problem, it seems that all the balls were disappeared, try to check the capability of
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 09:33:09 EDT 2008 | stevenvl
Hi, I'm having issues with boards sticking/jamming along the line, as well as what seems to be excessive wear along the guide rails. The boards are an Alumina Ceramic material and the rails differ by machine, but include anodized aluminum, steel, de
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 11:57:19 EDT 2016 | spoiltforchoice
I don't know how accurate an idea you will get on eBay. Here in the UK the only stuff that ends up on eBay is total crap, manufacturers and brokers between them seem to get hold of most of the machines when they come to the end of their lease or usef
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:22:05 EDT 2020 | sportsradar
Hello Kristof, We use 1 PC which does line control and programming. We always boot the PC up first, then when it is fully booted, then we turn the machine on, we let it zero set, then we send the job over (this is how we do it when everything works)
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 04 23:17:24 EDT 2019 | 123456789
Today we will talk some other problems you may meet in the wedge bonding work. If you have any other supplement or suggestion, welcome to leave us message. Appear welding spot indentation on the frame, what's the causes? How to solve? 1.The Wedge’s
Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 01:31:49 EDT 2009 | mika
make 4 square rounded corner apertures on the ground pad and the total reduction of 20 % (80 % solder paste). Then you still be able to solder the terminals around. Don't worry to much of the void's. Just following my tips and you will be fine. The
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 11:16:04 EST 1999 | Boca
Chris, Some ramblings- Your choice depends on factors like which defects you're looking for, bugdet, quality inspection philosophy, high or low mix environment, sample sizes or 100%, and so on. Are you going to test 100% of the product coming off t