Electronics Forum: topaz head too low (Page 1 of 6)

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 13:42:12 EST 2007 | etienne

To answer your question: During my experience with Topaz machines, we had to replace 4 Heads on different occassions with different operators involved. Also I encountered several Head crashes with Eclipse machines. To buy such replacements here in Ma

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 15:21:44 EST 2007 | wayne123

I was not trying to imply that you didn't know how to run these machines I was simply saying that alot of problems that people may encounter can be solved with operating them correctly, I am sorry if you took offense to this, I too have performed all

Topaz X Head Optimization

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 25 15:17:38 EDT 2012 | duchoang

I used Topaz x and X2 long time ago. I might be wrong, but let's check the thickness of components and the camera light recognizing setup for each part. (?). They may be too different to be optimized for simultaneously pick-up and place.

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 09 20:11:43 EST 2019 | richardcargill

I suspect configuration too. From memory, only certain heads are assignable as 'Fine'. Changing this parameter in the component data to Standard or QFP will most likely cure this as any head will accept those two options

Inconsistent mounting on TOPAZ-X

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 07:52:26 EST 2008 | jdengler

Is the part height set correctly. Too high and it gets ped. Too low and it's jammed into the board. Both can cause poor placement. Jerry

Philips Topaz not picking up nozzle

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 09 04:49:12 EDT 2015 | vinitverma

Is the machine not picking up nozzle from the nozzle changer or is the head 7 not picking up any components? Or is the mis-pick rate too high?

Pick & Place Machine Life Cycle

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 29 12:44:33 EDT 2018 | robl

Hi Reckless, If it's a Standard Phillips Sapphire then no, they are not a beginner machine. The feeders have to be spot on and the machine requires a much longer service as they have 2 sets of 12 heads. Spares will start becoming harder to get soon

Topaz X Head Optimization

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 07:33:31 EDT 2012 | christian01976

Hello! For "gang-pick" you need to have nearly the same Pick High. And for simultanious scan over the camera the Z Value of the parts have to be nearly the same too. The allowed differences are somewhere in the Machine Info or Machine Config. Try so

Philips Topaz programming question

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 20 17:02:41 EDT 2007 | vervin

Now you are talking. Stick feeders are too slow and paint to work with unless you are doing a bunch of low volume boards. Stick feeders belong in the front of the machine. It's easier for the operators to keep any eye on them. The rear of the machin

Philips Topaz/Emerald LED Nozzle

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 16:49:57 EST 2014 | emanuel

Hi Rob, I am writing this reply as an update. Unfortunately I got your recommendation a bit too late, I contacted Count-On Tools and ordered from them a custom made nozzle for the Emerald. $300 paid for the "pleasure", everything could be OK if it w

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