Electronics Forum: vitronics delta wave 6

vitronics delta backplate

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 02:14:43 EST 2008 | mun4o

Hi, we use Vitronics Delta 6622 solder wave.I try to adjust high of backplate, but I don't know whether the adjustment is correctly.Now, when the frame enter in the main wave, solder flow in the same direction as PCB.But when the frame go above main

vitronics delta backplate

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 04:40:38 EST 2008 | lococost

You want the backplate set up so that when there's no PCB the wave stands still or moves towards the PCB. When the PCB moves over the wave, it should just pull the wave towards the back (in the same direction as the PCB). This will help reduce brid

vitronics delta Wave solder software version fail

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 13:58:56 EDT 2013 | smtventasmex

i have a vitronics Delta 6622CC with a software fail, i turn it on and when i open the software on the CPU, it enter but show me a message of wrong vertion, and then i choose ok and software close it self, let me know if some one of you have this fai

vitronics delta wave malfunction errors :pcb expected at exit

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 15:37:07 EDT 2012 | mili

another delta wave have the same fault, same symptoms!!!

vitronics delta wave malfunction errors :pcb expected at exit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 08:53:43 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi, Recently we acquired a Delta 3 and I noticed everytime we change any value regarding to the tracking system, as chip or main wave - offtime/ontime- with boards loaded on it, the tracking system doesnt work well. sometimes it turns off the wave o

vitronics delta wave malfunction errors :pcb expected at exit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 03:43:16 EDT 2012 | mili

Hello!I have a delta wave with these problems:offtime of lambda wave tracking is too long and when modify offtime setting to a negative value for a fast stop on tracking position of lambda wave, the wave pass on stand-by with a delay of half of leg

vitronics delta wave malfunction errors :pcb expected at exit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 10:53:25 EDT 2012 | mili

In Setup menu there is a last option Debug. Debug choosing a window with Rack0, Rack1, Rack2, Rack3, log RS485 opens. Choosing rack0 a window with parameters S3 boxes 1 to 12 Input and certain boxes are checked, S4 Output from 1-8, from 1-8 S5 Outpu

estop error wont go away on vitronics delta max

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 12:07:13 EDT 2018 | fern

My company is hooking up a delta max wave solder machine but we can seem to get the estop error to go away any one have a any experience with this issue.

Vitronics Delta wave 6622c problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 19 05:16:56 EDT 2015 | florintoma

Hello all, I have a problem with the wave 6622c . The temperature of solder pot and preaheating zones 1 and 2 is not increasing. the strange thing is that the machine is not display no error. Can you help me with some advices?? regards

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 02:08:21 EST 2007 | mun4o

Hi, I have a lot of solder bridge in our wave soldering process.We use SACX0307 and Surf 11 flux.the SW mashine is Vitronics delta 6622.Itry to change flux and termoprofile but results is not god.Can you halp me - recommend me some flux or other adv

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