Electronics Forum: y fact (Page 1 of 4)

DPAK land pattern

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 15:36:19 EST 2002 | slthomas

We're having trouble with a TO-252 DPAK from Fairchild (MC7805CDT) and our existing land pattern. The land pattern calculator on the IPC site doesn't have anything available that matches it (there are no TO-252's available on the pull downs), and I'

Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 26 15:47:10 EST 2019 | dfl

I'm with an annoying problem with an IV-c. Almost all the time the Y-axis "stuck" when the machine is homing. The motor tries to move the axis but only make a sound. If I move the axis by hand it can complete the homing and then goes to the IDLE. So

What to measure at an AOI

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:21:22 EDT 2003 | swagner

Thanks for the clarification, I have worked with both application, especially pre reflow. The data you should consider collecting pre reflow is missing, skew degrees, x,y shift, bill boarding, polarity and match the failure data (ref. desg.) to feed

DPAK land pattern

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 21:21:37 EST 2002 | davef

In the beginning, there was TO-5. And it was good. Flushed with success, they created TO-220. It too was good. Then came SMT. It was better than some things, but then again ... In these early days, there was a haze on the horizon that blocked t

Selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 18:41:48 EDT 2005 | crishan

Aj, You are correct, we use pallets to hold the motherboard, an X-Y table then transports the pallet through preheat section to the solder bath. I will check out your recommendations on the solder alloy. Supplier is not willing to share PPM data o

Stencil Printer comparison

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 16:27:15 EST 2002 | pjc

FYI: MPM does in fact offer alternate board support tooling than the vacuum box system. They have the X and Y snugger tooling, which clamps the board and uses magnetic support pins. If you are looking at a used UP2000, check to see what tooling it ha

skew components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 28 20:54:04 EDT 2005 | Ken

I would run scale calibration first (for the suspect camera). That may be your only problem. However, if your having a rotation issue and all major angles are off (differently) then it is most likely R-axis accuracy. However, I would run AMF and

Mydata's handling matrix trays ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 15 08:23:14 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

We are seeing more and more jobs come in with matrix tray parts for our mydata machines. The problem is that the largest Y wagon will only hold 3 or less trays. We have some jobs that have 10+ trays. Currently our operators cut the trays down to sma

Re: Dross Skimmin'

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 21:50:14 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| All y'll: I could use your input on determining when to skim dross from a wave solder pot. | | On one hand, dross protects the surface of the solder from oxidation. On the other hand too much dross may affect solder joint quality. On another ha

Re: Dross Skimmin'

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 10:14:28 EST 1998 | Dave f

| | All y'll: I could use your input on determining when to skim dross from a wave solder pot. | | | | On one hand, dross protects the surface of the solder from oxidation. On the other hand too much dross may affect solder joint quality. On anot

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