ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Governance Nordson Corporation Global Directory | Languages NASDAQ $221.53 -0.14 Our Products Our Industries Our Applications Brands
ORION Industries |
) ASTM D374 Service Temperature °C 180 wo/ac -- 150 w/ac Thermal Properties Q-PAD II Q-PAD 3 Test Method Thermal Resistance, °C-in2/W 0.10 w/o ac 0.10 w/o ac 0.20 w/ac 0.14 w/ac Metric (cm2-K/w) .65 w/o ac .65 w/o ac 1.3 w/ac 0.9 w/ac Thermal Conductivity, W/m-K
0.17 395422-01-9 Vickie hand insert - bin tray #79 - IC 0.31 396051-01-4 Steve hand insert - bin tray #56 - CONNECTOR 0.14 There can be as many Library files as desired, and this example Library file above can contain an unlimited amount of part numbers
0.14 381200-66-4 Place Test Probes Here First - Test Points 0.1 386754-99-4 Place Test Probes Here First - Connector 0.16 381200-40-1 Place Test Probes Here First - Connector
) - Mydata / Mycronic - ILD251, SOIC8 0.31 396051-01-4 THD - UNIVERSAL VCD AUTO INSERT - CONNECTOR 0.14 There can be as many Library files as desired, and this example Library file above can contain an unlimited amount of part numbers
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Supply Chain Nordson Corporation Global Directory | Languages NASDAQ $221.53 -0.14 Our Products Our Industries Our Applications Brands
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Overall Approach Nordson Corporation Global Directory | Languages NASDAQ $221.53 -0.14 Our Products Our Industries Our Applications Brands
PCB Libraries, Inc. |
. Between pads 1-10, 2-3, 5-6, 7-8 it delivers a clearance of only 0.14. To achieve the clearance, dimension S1 should have increased to 1.0mm
PCB Libraries, Inc. |
. Between pads 1-10, 2-3, 5-6, 7-8 it delivers a clearance of only 0.14. To achieve the clearance, dimension S1 should have increased to 1.0mm
0.14 381200-66-4 Warehouse location for kitting - aisle 6 rack 5 bin 5 -- TEST POINTS 0.1 381200-40-1 Warehouse location for kitting - aisle 1 rack 3 bin 7 -- CONNECTOR