1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/firstplace_alpha_metals.html
Omega Meter 600R Alpha Metals Omega Meter Ionic Contamination Test System to perform Cleanliness Testing Model Number: 600R Serial Number: 06847 Microprocessor Controlled Power Requirements
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Employees/OnlineAuctionAdmin/TRCCircuits/tabid/1902/AuctionID/1636/Default.aspx?page=4
: Sperry CRN-W Size 18 Hydraulic Filter Press, Located at 4300 Peavey Road, Chaska, Minnesota 55318 Category: 206 Alpha Metals Ionograph 500 M SMD II Ionic Contamination Tester Sold at TRC Circuits on 11/30/2022 Vadnais Heights MN Previous Item Next Item Lot Number: 206 Description
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/ipc-a-610-revision-f-paragraph-7-3-5-1-supported-holes-solder-vertical-fill-a Supported Holes - Solder - Vertical Fill (A) Question: We have a couple of questions regarding the new IPC-A-610 Revision F document and vertical fill. They are: . Acceptable – Class 1,23
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/page/8
... Read More Ionic Residue Value Conversion from Metric to English QUESTION Question: Per J-STD-001D, paragraph, Static Extraction Method, the contamination shall be less than 1.56 micrograms/cm
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/to-from-wire-labeling-specifications-and-requirements
: “Marking is not required unless specified on the controlling document.”, and “If marking method has not been specified by the controlling document, any marking method that meets the requirements of this section is acceptable
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/pcb-markings-missing-silk-screening
. If the markings are missing, we need to define which markings are missing; for example board information data, such as part numbers, revision, serial number or date of manufacture
| https://www.smtfactory.com/PCBA-Cleaning-Machine-PCB-Defluxing-For-Best-Coating-and-Bonding-Effect-id43566387.html
. Prevents ionic contamination Polar or ionic particles left over from flux residues and other sources, when exposed to moisture in ambient air and an electrical current are applied, can connect into
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/smt-components-during-reflow-float-off-pads
: We install D-Paks on a number of boards (8.3.14 in IPC-A-610). These parts have a tendency to float during reflow. We have done quite a bit of process work to minimize the floating, but parts do still occasionally float and are... Question
. Read Answer Maximum Limits of Solder Bath Contamination Question: If we are using a solder pot to tin wires and create solder joints (splices
| http://etasmt.com/cc?ID=te_news_industry,3561&url=_print
. Over the years, much has been done to arrest the contamination of our environment with lead. These include enactment of the necessary legislation in various countries to limit the use of lead, launching of programs to effectively and efficiently recycle lead, and replacement of lead compounds