Industry Directory | Research Institute / Laboratory / School
Alfa Chemistry, a global Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in organic chemistry, material chemistry, and medicinal chemistry, is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Alfa Chemistry provides building blocks, research chemicals,
Design and development of analytical equipment for Chemistry research.
distributor surface mount rework tools, soldering equipment, solder paste, adhesives and cleaning chemistries.
distributors of: Cleanroom Chemistry, Photoresists, Developers, removers, adhesives, cleanroom consumables, pure metals, Fine chemicals, sputter turgets, spinners, hotplate, plasma ashers, SEM accessories, desicants, logistics services
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
LiloTree is an advanced materials technology company, providing next-generation technology solutions through chemistry and materials innovations. Based in Seattle, Washington, we're an NSF funded company, manufacturer & distrib...
Industry Directory | Research Institute / Laboratory / School
The Jožef Stefan Institute is the largest research institute in Slovenia. The main research areas are physics, chemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, information technologies, reactor physics, energy and environment. ...
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Albemarle is a leading specialty chemical company providing innovative chemistry solutions to customers in over 100 countries around the world.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Fraser Technologies is the UK market leader in solder paste, wire, flux, PCB component cleaning, aqueous cleaning chemistries and equipment. We represent Koki, Chemours™ and also our own KlensTek.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
A leading supplier of precision cleaning chemistries to the worldwide electronics, metal finishing, medical, semiconductor, and optical industries.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Manufacturer of advanced process chemistry for plating, masking and stripping. Custom manufacturing of automated equipment for electrodeposion including; hoist systems, reel-to-reel and continuous vertical processing equipment.