Technical Library | 2012-09-13 20:45:17.0
First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. Prior to committing production boards to vapor phase soldering, we performed an evaluation to assess reliability and evaluate the vacuum soldering option. The reliability of vapor
Technical Library | 2014-03-20 12:37:39.0
In the beginning of SMT, Vapor Phase Soldering was the preferred reflow soldering technology because of its excellent heat transfer capabilities. There were also some disadvantages like fast temperature rise, nearly no influence on the temperature profiles and high costs. So the use of Vapor Phase Soldering was reduced to special applications with high mass or complex boards in low numbers (e.g. for military or aerospace use).
Technical Library | 2013-03-27 23:43:40.0
Vapor phase, once cast to the annals’ of history is making a comeback. Why? Reflow technology is well developed and has served the industry for many years, it is simple and it is consistent. All points are true – when dealing with the centre section of the bell curve. Today’s PCB manufacturers are faced with many designs which no longer fall into that polite category but rather test the process engineering groups with heavier and larger panels, large ground planes located in tricky places, component mass densities which are poorly distributed, ever changing Pb Free alloys and higher process temperatures. All the time the costs for the panels increase, availability of “process trial” boards diminishes and yields are expected to be extremely high with zero scrap rates. The final process in the assembly line has the capacity to secure all the value of the assembly or destroy it. If a panel is poorly soldered due to poor Oven setup or incorrect programming of the profile the recovery of the panel is at best expensive, at worst a loss. For these challenges people are turning to Vapor Phase.
Technical Library | 2014-03-27 14:50:01.0
Because of the phase out of CFC's and HCFC's, standard solder pastes and fluxes evolved from RA and RMA fluxes, to No-Clean, to low residue No-Clean, to very low residue No-Clean. Many companies came out with their cleaning solutions, aqueous and semi-aqueous, with each product release being more innovative than the previous one. Unfortunately for most of the suppliers of cleaners, two other trends appeared; lead-free soldering and the progressive miniaturization of electronic devices.
Technical Library | 2022-02-16 15:34:32.0
Because of the phase-out of CFCs and HCFCs, standard solder pastes and fluxes evolved from RA and RMA fluxes to No-Clean, to low residue No-Clean, to very low residue No-Clean. Many companies came out with their cleaning solutions, aqueous and semi-aqueous, with each product release being more innovative than the previous one. Unfortunately for most of the suppliers of cleaners, two other trends appeared; lead-free soldering and the progressive miniaturization of electronic devices
Technical Library | 2000-06-21 17:55:59.0
There was once a time when precision cleaning required minimal thought. Just about anything that was dirty could be placed inside a vapor degreaser and emerge clean and dry in a matter of minutes. Today, precision cleaning decisions are seemingly endless with ever-changing environmental regulations, user safety issues and product compatibility concerns. Technologies range from spray-in-atmosphere to ultrasonics to spray under immersion using aqueous, solvent or semiaqueous chemistries. Which method works and with what chemistry? Will the process be safe or even allowed by the regulating agencies?
Technical Library | 2014-01-30 18:08:04.0
As of today, the electronic industry is aware of the requirements for their products to be lead free. All components are typically available in lead free quality. This comprises packages like BGAs with BGA solder balls to PCB board finishes like HASL. The suppliers are providing everything that is needed. It is harder to get the old tin leaded (SnPb) components for new applications today, than lead free ones. So why has not everybody changed over fully yet and how can the challenges be overcome? A big concern in this transition process is reflow soldering. The process temperatures for lead free applications became much higher. Related with this is more stress for all the components. It affects the quality and reliability of the electronic units and products...
Technical Library | 2015-02-05 20:25:41.0
In the past 20 yrs the solvent industry has gone through a great deal of change. In the early 1990s, CFC-113 and 1,1,1-trichloroethane were the workhorses of the industry. The Montreal Protocol to phase-out substances that deplete the Earth's protective Ozone Layer was implemented in the mid 1990s. After phase-out of the CFC solvents, the solvent industry fragmented to a variety of cleaning solutions. The electronics industry was a large user of CFC solvents and many of these applications changed to aqueous based cleaners (...) But those alternatives are now facing various problems: e.g. aqueous based cleaners use a lot of energy, require long drying times, use equipment that requires frequent maintenance, and require a large footprint; no-clean fluxes leave flux residues; and trichloroethylene and n-propyl bromide have toxicity issues. In response to these serious issues newer solvents and blends are being introduced in the marketplace
Technical Library | 2019-05-06 23:13:09.0
Temperature and humidity test chamber has brought a lot of help to many industrial enterprises, but while it brings convenience to us, we should also take good care of them, otherwise they may be brought into the end-of-life phase ahead of time. The way of maintenance is also very simple. After daily use, the equipment is cleaned regularly, but the cleaning of the test chamber is also very skillful. If the operation is wrong, it may also lead to equipment failure. Let‘s learn how to extend the service life of the temperature and humidity test box together. 1, Pls clean the working room with water after each use, then dry the interior with dry cotton cloth. 2, Pls regularly remove dust from the evaporator inside the equipment, and periodically wipe the equipment to ensure clean and tidy. 3, When doing the test, the sample should be uniformly placed onto sample shelves,and the vent should not be blocked to prevent the influence of the test 4, It is necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of water tanks in peacetime, after the test or when the equipment is not intended to be used for a long time, all the water in the tank should be discharged, otherwise it will lead to the formation of scale inside the tank. The water used in the temperature and humidity test chamber must be pure or distilled water, or long-term use may result in a humidifier or internal pipe clogging. Above are the usual use notice of temperature and humidity test chamber, if customer adhere to the above several points,it is really able to prolong the service life of the equipment.
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