Industry News: general eclipse (Page 1 of 1)

KIC’s e-Clipse and SunKIC Profiler Win the 2009 Global Technology Award

Industry News | 2009-11-19 14:31:38.0

San Diego — November 2009 — KIC announces that two of its products, designed to increase solar cell efficiency through accurate profiling and process optimization, tied for a Global Technology Award. KIC’s e-Clipse solar cell thermocouple (TC) attachment fixture and compact SunKIC profiler tied in the category of Solar Manufacturing Products. The award was presented to the company during a Tuesday, November 10, 2009 ceremony that took place at the New Munich Trade Fair Center in Munich, Germany.

KIC Thermal

Universal Leverages New Market Opportunities for Strong 2011

Industry News | 2012-02-08 17:06:35.0

Universal Instruments positioned its electronics assembly solutions portfolio in the forefront of an evolving industry landscape to enjoy market success in 2011. The company’s product and solutions roadmaps were well-aligned in anticipation of a global technology shift, resulting in a leadership position in the emerging “green” markets, an expanded customer base and a Q4 2011 global market share gain of nearly 2% versus the prior year.

Universal Instruments Corporation

Mentor Graphics Sourcery CodeBench Supports Qualcomm Technologies Hexagon Architecture for Embedded Software Development

Industry News | 2012-10-27 02:23:18.0

Mentor Graphics announced that its Mentor® Embedded Sourcery™ CodeBench product supports code generation for the Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) Hexagon™ DSP architecture for control and signal processing. Mentor Graphics is the first vendor to provide a commercially supported GNU toolchain for the Hexagon DSP architecture, supporting a wide range of embedded applications, including microcontroller, signal processing and control applications, along with commercial services to support this product offering.

Mentor Graphics

ADLINK Smart Gateway Selected for Michelin-SoftBank Tire Control System

Industry News | 2018-07-08 18:37:19.0

The first inclusion of IoT tire monitoring system in Japan by a tire maker, the Michelin TPMS Cloud Service provides significant logistics and resource benefits

ADLINK Technology, Inc.

ADLINK Announces Two New CompactPCI® 2.0 Processor Blades Powered by Latest Intel® Xeon®, Core™ and Atom® Processors

Industry News | 2018-10-29 11:22:27.0

ADLINK Technology today released two new CompactPCI® 2.0 processor blades, the cPCI-3630 and cPCI-6636. 3U cPCI-3630 and 6U cPCI-6636 further enhance ADLINK’s extensive, rugged CompactPCI processor blade portfolio and provide technology upgrade solutions for railway transportation, military, aviation and industrial automation.

ADLINK Technology, Inc.


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