Industry News: missing solder on wave (Page 1 of 9)

SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:00:40.0

SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:01:00.0

SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Jason Fullerton, MacDermid Alpha Electronic Solutions, to Present at SMTA Capital Chapter Meeting on February 20th

Industry News | 2020-01-08 16:51:58.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is excited to host a Chapter Meeting on February 20th from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM at PACE Worldwide in Elkridge, MD. Jason Fullerton, MacDermid Alpha Electronic Solutions, will be presenting “Advances in Lead-Free Solder Technologies for High Reliability Applications.”

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Marking Diode Poles on Silkscreen Layer

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:25:53.0

Marking Diode Poles on Silkscreen Layer

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Lead-free processes propose new requirements on reflow soldering quality

Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:14:05.0

Lead-free processes propose new requirements on reflow soldering quality

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

SMTA Boston Chapter Meeting on SMT Stencils at Rick’s Café in Billerica Center on Tues., January 24th, 2012

Industry News | 2012-01-13 13:27:59.0

The SMT stencil market has a slew of new options in foil materials, coatings and cutting technologies, all of which promise to improve the solder paste printing process. Which of these options really do help assemblers keep yields up and costs down, and which don’t?

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Releases Study on Quality Benchmarks for EMS Industry

Industry News | 2013-06-07 15:41:36.0

IPC Study of Quality Benchmarks for the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) Industry for 2013 is now available from IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries®. T

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Fred Dimock, BTU International, to Present at SMTA Capital Chapter Meeting on January 10th

Industry News | 2018-12-11 19:24:48.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is excited to host a Chapter Meeting on January 10th from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM at ZESTRON, Manassas, VA. Fred Dimock, BTU International, will be presenting “Operation of a Vacuum Reflow Oven with Preliminary Void Reduction Data.”

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA South East Asia Technical Conference on Electronics Assembly Program Finalized

Industry News | 2018-03-13 18:51:40.0

SMTA is excited to announce the technical program has been finalized and registration is now open for the South East Asia Technical Conference on Electronics Assembly. The event will be held May 8-10, 2018 at the MITEC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA Capital Chapter to Host Chapter Tutorial Program on March 15th

Industry News | 2018-01-31 17:46:49.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to announce that it will host a Chapter Tutorial Program on March 15th from 9AM to 3PM in Rockville, MD. Phil Zarrow, ITM consulting, will present “Understanding and Implementing Best Practices in Electronic Assembly Processes”.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


2481 Hilton Drive
Gainesville, GA USA

Phone: (770) 538-0411