779 bobpan quad ivc 4c contact results

Electronics Forum: bobpan quad ivc 4c contact (11)

Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 07:46:26 EDT 2013 | ngineer

bobpan, It only happens with this program. CC ver 7.54, IVC V 3.05 If i leave CC out of it, and edit the sequence using the HHT, it sticks. but if i download from the assembler to CC, it's messed up. if i then fix it in CC, the minute i save

Quad 4C (IVC) & Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 07:12:25 EST 2013 | bobpan

I can send you all of those files. You will also need DOS. Go to my website www.precision-repairs.com and e-mail me. I will get the files to you as soon as I can. Thanks, Bob

Express Newsletter: bobpan quad ivc 4c contact (768)

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