Electronics Forum: electrovert 229 (3)

Re: Hollis Future One SMT PC controlled

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 18 12:14:10 EST 1998 | Brian Steelglove

| | Does anyone out there have one we are currently looking at one from a used equipment dealer and would like to know how they work? Good or bad for SMT? | | Good or bad for high volume Thrue Hole? | | | | Thanks Again, | | Brian Steelglove | | A

Re: Hollis Future One SMT PC controlled

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 21 08:49:29 EST 1998 | Aric Parr

I used one on SMT at a previous employer. Make sure that you have 3 zones of preheat. Make sure that your operators are trained. The airknifes are extremely difficult to set up properly. Don't use them on high mix lines. We didn't need them once

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