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Foreverest™ supply materials for manufacture of defluxing, fluxes, adhesives, pastes and cleaning agents based on gum rosin derivatives.
New Equipment | Solder Materials
We provide X~WG Grade of gum rosin. X Grade ( Appearance: Transparent solid Colour Slight Yellow Acid Value: 166mg KOH/g min Ash: 0.02% max Softening Point, R&B: 76°C min
New Equipment | Solder Materials
CAS: 68333- 69-7 Rosin Modified Maleic Resins is a light yellow transparent solid, which is synthesized by the addition reaction between gum rosin and maleic anhydride, then through the sterification with glycerol and pentaerythritol. Acid value
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 10:49:59 EDT 2001 | genny
Yes I have read that standard, but it doesn't tell me what I need to know. Both have the same activity level and halide rating (L0) The AIM technical guy told me RO is a natural gum rosin, while (RE) Resin has more processing or something (maybe so
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 04:44:43 EST 1999 | Jeff Sanchez
| | | Hello Netters, | | | | | | I need some info, Earl or Dave, I have a PCB that exhibits a white layer on solder side. It does not appear to be surface residues (IPA has no effect), but looks like its under solder mask. My first guess is that t