New SMT Equipment: mask peeling failure in wave solder (3)

HotDots™ for Holding Jumper Wires in Place

HotDots™ for Holding Jumper Wires in Place

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

BEST HotDots™ are designed to simply and cleanly attach jumper wires on a board. HotDots™ are built to survive at high temperature as both the adhesive and the polyimide material are designed to withstand wash and reflow temperatures. HotDots™ are a


Variety Solder Masks Available By The Oz. and Gallon

Variety Solder Masks Available By The Oz. and Gallon

New Equipment | Solder Materials

Ceasolder-PAL (Pink Acrylic Latex) Peelable Acrylic Latex Solder Mask Ceasolder-Pal is a temporary, peelable solder mask comprised of a thixotropic, synthetic acrylic latex designed to withstand fluxing, wave soldering and cleaning operations. Unli

Electronics Forum: mask peeling failure in wave solder (76)

solder fillet peeling

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 12:03:00 EDT 2003 | slthomas

So, there is a crack or gap between: * Solder and component termination. Bingo Correct? Describe: * Coarseness / smoothness of the metal on the termination underneither the crack. * Solder left on the termination. Unfortunately at 45X I can't rea

Conformal Coat peeling

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 06:28:11 EDT 2009 | qualityguy

We have different Solder mask 'gloss' and 'satin' the gloss has a surface energy =40 dynes. The test evidence to date is strong correlation between surface energy, mask type, HASS failure

Industry News: mask peeling failure in wave solder (32)

Product defects caused by the flux in the wave soldering process

Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:20:09.0

Product defects caused by the flux in the wave soldering process

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Exposed Vias in BGA Pads

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:26:46.0

Exposed Vias in BGA Pads

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Technical Library: mask peeling failure in wave solder (1)

Strength of Lead-free BGA Spheres in High Speed Loading

Technical Library | 2008-04-08 17:42:27.0

Concern about the failure of lead-free BGA packages when portable devices such as cell phones are accidentally dropped and a general concern about the resistance of these packages under shock loading has prompted an interest in the impact strength of the soldered BGA connection. This paper reports the results of the measurement of the impact strength of lead-free 0.5±0.01mm diameter BGA spheres on 0.42mm solder mask defined pads on copper/OSP and ENIG substrates using recently developed equipment that can load individual BGA spheres at high strain rates in shear and tension.

Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Videos: mask peeling failure in wave solder (1)

This video demonstrated the use of BEST Inc HotDots(TM) which allow wires to be affixed to the PCB or other surfaces-even when those surfaces go through reflow. There are other similar products out there but none of which can be readily customized nor whc

This video demonstrated the use of BEST Inc HotDots(TM) which allow wires to be affixed to the PCB or other surfaces-even when those surfaces go through reflow. There are other similar products out there but none of which can be readily customized nor whc


This video demonstrated the use of BEST Inc HotDots(TM) which allow wires to be affixed to the PCB or other surfaces-even when those surfaces go through reflow. There are other similar products out there but none of which can be readily customized no


Express Newsletter: mask peeling failure in wave solder (998)

Partner Websites: mask peeling failure in wave solder (435)

PCB Solder Mask Colors: Selecting the Right Option

Imagineering, Inc. |

? In this blog, we examine why solder mask color matters, when it doesn’t, and the best options for both manufacturers and consumers

Imagineering, Inc.

SMD Land Pattern Calculation For Wave Solder? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

?     Posted: 07 Aug 2015 at 6:27am The solder joint goals for SMD Wave Solder and Flex Circuit libraries might be an automatic in V2016.   IPC states that the same pattern for Reflow can be used for Wave Solder, but I have heard different from component manufacturers and assembly shops

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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