Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 00:49:44 EDT 2014 | vistamach
Looking for manuals on this machine. We have the operations manual. We are looking for the service manual. Also any information regarding the communication command language. Thank you Pete
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 11:00:53 EDT 2014 | vistamach
Thank you for your response! I was actually the guy who emailed you a few days back regarding the blank.jpg error message in PCBsynergy. I would really like to try it, but that error is preventing me. I don't know how to initiate communication. If
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
We have hundreds of feeders for Philips/Assembleon CSM 46 and CSM 60. 8 mm : 25 euro 12 mm: 45 euro 16 mm: 55 euro 24 mm pneumatic: 250 euro. Only few pcs. 32 mm pneumatic: 375 euro. Only few pcs. Nozzle 0603/0805/1206 for CSM46/60/84, new: €
Parts & Supplies | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
Looking for parts to fit Philips/Assembleon CSM46/60. Chucks, belts, etc. We do not need feeders.