Electronics Forum: quad ivc mk2 x axis (9)

Quad 4C MK2, Z axis drift

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 06:12:32 EDT 2015 | bobpan

The first thing to do is to change the z-rod. Sometimes a very old z-rod spring will weaken causing it to reject many parts. If it only rejects parts after a nozzle change....you may need to put some super lube grease on the O-rings on the bottom of

Quad 4C MK2, Z axis drift

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 15:09:20 EDT 2015 | marcelorotofrance

Hello everybody Lately our machine has been working pretty well, but it can’t last too long. Now, during this week’s production cycle, it began to increase the component’s reject rate to alarming levels (obviously the operators reported me when the m

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