Industry Directory: smt loss (2)

KingFei SMT Tech

KingFei SMT Tech

Industry Directory | Manufacturer's Representative / Manufacturer / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

Shenzhen Peishang Trading Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Distributor

Shenzhen Peishang Trading Co., Ltd. Is located in Shenzhen, a coastal city in southern China. It is a company specializing in SMT placement machine accessories

New SMT Equipment: smt loss (27)

KSUN R05 JUKI Feeder Calibration

KSUN R05 JUKI Feeder Calibration

New Equipment | Pick & Place

KSUN R05 JUKI Feeder Calibration It is essential for this equipment that enhanced productivity , installation and quality improvement As the high efficiency vision camera is asked in order to investigate precisely and repair the error of device pos


SMT Reflow oven

SMT Reflow oven

New Equipment | Reflow

Dual Lane SMT Reflow Oven Nitrogen soldering process dual rail conveyor Weight Appx.:306​0Kg Dimension 6300*1680*1530mm Product description: 10 Zones Dual Rail Nitrogen SMT Reflow Oven KTR-1000D-N Manufacturer, Nitrogen soldering process, dual

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Electronics Forum: smt loss (64)

SMT parts loss

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 12:02:05 EDT 2010 | kjs123p

My company is trying to develop a system to take into account the SMT parts scrapped by the machine and also the parts lost during loading and unloading feeders. This is causing part shortages for us. I would appreciate if anyone could share how th

SMT parts loss

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 15:30:56 EDT 2010 | remullis

Search on Attrition, I think most companies start around 2% across the board. I have adjusted mine higher for 0603, and parts where I experience tape issues constantly. We are running parts with date codes back 2006,2008.

Used SMT Equipment: smt loss (24)

Juki original YV100XG YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product name: YV100XG YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter Product number: YV100XG Products in detail YAMAHA multi-function chip mounter YAMAHA YV100XG High speed and high precision multi-function modular placement machine 0.18 seconds/CHIP ul


Juki original YV100XG YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product name: YV100XG YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter Product number: YV100XG Products in detail YAMAHA multi-function chip mounter YAMAHA YV100XG High speed and high precision multi-function modular placement machine 0.18 seconds/CHIP ul


Industry News: smt loss (80)

Hybrid 3dB Mini SMT Couplers

Industry News | 2003-06-17 08:07:40.0

The Radiall SMT coupler range now includes the new 14.2 x 5.1mm mini type.


Ease of Application for Infiniband I/O Connectors

Industry News | 2003-04-22 09:33:13.0

Honda Connectors has released its first Infiniband I/O connectors, designed for easy assembly in high-speed differential signal applications.


Parts & Supplies: smt loss (658)

Samsung original smt GIC-S01 SAMSUNG C

Samsung original smt GIC-S01 SAMSUNG C

Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

GIC-S01 SAMSUNG CP Feeder Calibration JIG GIC-S01 SAMSUNG CP Feeder Calibration JIG It is essential for this equipment that enhanced productivity , installation and quality improvement As the high efficiency vision camera is asked in order to inve


Samsung original smt GIC-S02 SM Feeder

Samsung original smt GIC-S02 SM Feeder

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

GIC-S02 SAMSUNG SM Feeder Calibration JIG GIC-S02 SAMSUNG SM Feeder Calibration JIG It is essential for this equipment that enhanced productivity , installation and quality improvement As the high efficiency vision camera is asked in order to inve


Technical Library: smt loss (1)

Return on Investment of a Pre-Reflow AOI System

Technical Library | 2015-06-30 22:02:41.0

This paper describes the losses from defects at the placement process in the SMT line. Two case studies of European and Taiwanese SMT manufacturers illustrate the actual losses from their defects. An evaluation method to select a pre-reflow AOI system maximizing the return on investment (ROI) is introduced. In the end, ROIs of three commercial pre-reflow AOI systems are compared to demonstrate the importance of selecting an appropriate AOI system. This paper will increase the probability that anyone installing an AOI system during the pre-reflow process will obtain a successful gain with short payback period.

CyberOptics Corporation

Videos: smt loss (10)

Yamaha Modular PCB Chip Shooter


Yamaha Σ-G5SⅡ Premium Modular PCB Chip Shooter ❙ Features of Yamaha PCB Chip Shooter High-efficiency SMT pick and place machine, Yamaha chip shooter, Yamaha module type mounting system with combine high productivity,, high

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

PCB Depanelers/depanelizing pcb/PCB depanelizer/PCB cutter/ ?????.?????

PCB Depanelers/depanelizing pcb/PCB depanelizer/PCB cutter/ ?????.?????

Videos PCB cutting machine/guillotine separator/PCB depaneling machine/PCB panel separator ASCEN specializing the SMT assmebly line equipment manufacture the more detail please ch

ASCEN Technology

Career Center - Resumes: smt loss (22)


Career Center | sabarinathan95, India | Engineering,Maintenance,Quality Control

i am sabarinathan ap working in AVALON TECH PVT LTD at chennai as a QUALITY CONTROLLER and also have a knowledge in DEBUGGING and TESTING .i have 1 year experience in quality field.


Career Center | sabarinathan95, India | Engineering,Maintenance,Quality Control,Engineering,Maintenance,Quality Control,Engineering,Maintenance,Quality Control,Engineering,Maintenance,Quality Control

i am sabarinathan ap working in AVALON TECH PVT LTD at chennai as a QUALITY CONTROLLER and also have a knowledge in DEBUGGING and TESTING .i have 1 year experience in quality field.

Express Newsletter: smt loss (1138)

A Study of PCB Insertion Loss Variation in Manufacturing Using a New Low Cost Metrology

A Study of PCB Insertion Loss Variation in Manufacturing Using a New Low Cost Metrology SMTnet Express June 27, 2012, Subscribers: 25268, Members: Companies: 8896, Users: 33235 A Study of PCB Insertion Loss Variation in Manufacturing Using a New

SMTnet Express - April 30, 2015

SMTnet Express, April 30, 2015, Subscribers: 22,686, Members: Companies: 14,334 , Users: 38,119 Signal Transmission Loss due to Copper Surface Roughness in High-Frequency Region Elaine Liew; Mitsui Copper Foil Malaysia, Shah Alam Malaysia, Taka

Partner Websites: smt loss (90)

"Lead-Free" Semiconductor Industry-SMT Technical-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin


"Lead-Free" Semiconductor Industry-SMT Technical-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven 当前位置: Home >> News

FUJI NXT H01 SMT Nozzle 7.0 AA08000 Original New For FUJI SMT Machine

KingFei SMT Tech |

FUJI NXT H01 SMT Nozzle 7.0 AA08000 Original New For FUJI SMT Machine Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters

KingFei SMT Tech

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KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

Manufacturer's Representative / Manufacturer / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

3 Road Xintang, Fuhai Street,Fuyong
Shenzhen, 30 China

Phone: 13713862102

Selective Soldering Nozzles

Training online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers"
2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

High Throughput Reflow Oven
PCB Handling with CE

Smt Feeder repair service centers in Europe, North, South America
PCB Depanelizers

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