Electronics Forum: cfm (Page 6902 of 7892)

RoHS Compliant component usage in Non RoHS process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 09:24:16 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

I do this ALL the time, and it is pretty much transparent to the process. We have done shake, burn in, and functional tests with our products and we didn't have any issues what so ever. We have had a RoHS complient process for well over 18 months n

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 09:42:51 EDT 2007 | chrissieneale

Quick question for anyone - With this whole pasting and waiting thing - i've found out that the board is pasted, it sits around for a bit, then the components get placed on it. Then i thought it went into the oven BUT, it doesn't. It sits for a few

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 09:57:19 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

Yes, Hand Up here. I would think you would have a quality problem. I am assuming you're doing this process in some sort of batch mode. I would hope that you can process your boards within a few minutes after components being placed. Things that I

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 10:20:40 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi Chris, Yes, my hand is up. But the problem is WHY you are stock piling printed boards. Is it a single printer used to feed various lines? I would think that since you are hand placing parts, that this printer would be able to keep up. Obvious

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 05:46:35 EDT 2007 | chrissieneale

OK - going to set up some measurements so we can see how big this problem is. I've got the following so far... Number of boards pasted per employee per shift Number of hand placed parts per employee per shift Number of people per shift Time pasting

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 13:10:15 EDT 2007 | slthomas

Personally I wouldn't count anything but minutes. You need to know how long it takes to perform each task in order to balance your line. What I'm gathering is that you've got one printer feeding 4 machines, all running different jobs or maybe a pai

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 03:38:04 EDT 2007 | chrissieneale

The two machines in the middle are really really old m/c's so we try as much as possible to not to use them (apart from as very expensive conveyor belts). They run a fixed set up as although we have a bunch of different products they all tend to use

How long can you leave paste - update

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 16:46:54 EDT 2007 | stepheniii

Basically its spec. gives surety regarding its > chemical and physical properties. if he doesnt > follow the spec then may be he may find good > physical soldering appearance but chemically it > may goes down through Electrical or Environmental

Yamaha YM100VPII questions

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 05:09:04 EDT 2007 | Haris

hi it looks like that you got this machine without money or simply like you robbed it. Even if you buy second hand, atleast you know how it works, SECONDLY WHY YOU DO NOT HAVE ITS MANUAL BOOK. OK, BELIVIEING IN THE ABOVE OPTIONS, if you ON pressing

Rigid Flex Wave Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 19:10:20 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Pete, Top-side temp might be an issue. What's the easiest way to check it? I seem to recall some thermal decals that we used to use a couple of jobs ago. I spoke with the flex manufacturer, and they recommended 4 hours at 250 degrees pre-process

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