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Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Views: 7032


Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 24 March, 2006

We are looking into uprgading our current pick and place machine which is a very entry level machine with a higher class or more production oriented machine. On our current machine change over is fairly slow. I was wanting to know if any users of these type of machines could tell me what typical change over times one could expect for loading 20 to 25 feeders. The machines in question are Assembleon Opal XII, MYDATA MY series, and Universal Advantis series and possibly Samsung CP series. Also opinions on ease of programing and feeder setup/loading are appreciated as well. Also considering a Contact C5 but I already have some of this information for it.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 25 March, 2006

Hi There

To answer your question 1 minute at the best.

We are using 2 Opal XII and have the optional feeder exchange trolleys, which enables us to setup feeders off line and just exchange the trolleys onto the machines. The changeover can be done in minutes as long you can fit all the required (no of components) feeders on the trolleys. Note that you will be loosing 10x 8mm feeder slots by using the trolleys. Only the front side of the machines can be used for that configuration. You can also do a study on the type of components you are using on a regular basis and have them fitted on the back of the machines permanently. There are many ways to minimize the change over. It also greatly depends on the products you run and the sequence. Use your imagination and you will find various options. I'd say it save to assume there is no standard changeover time due to the endless variations.


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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 25 March, 2006

I would rather keep my Juki KE-2060.

It runs faster, do larger boards, and can place a wider range of components when compared to the Opal.

Also, I have trolleys on front and rear, without losing any feeder locations. Why can't you put trolleys on the back of the Opal?

And from what I heard the Opal is more expensive.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 28 March, 2006

Hi Frank

As far as I know only the front can be configured for trolleys unless you know more. We have not come across any limitations with regards to the range of componets after assembling over 1500 different products.

How do you compare the speed? From the brochure data? An additional 22k euro (for additional 8 heads) and I have made 2 Topaz XII. By the way we have two opals in line with tray feder unit after the second machine.

I do not know the prise of your yuki and therefore can not comment.

Cheers Smartasp

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 28 March, 2006

As mentioned, there are many ways to achieve a quick changeover. Every manufacturing environment is somewhat different..but here's a few ideas for you to consider

1. If you have lots of feeder space on a machine you can have several simultaneous setups at a time, providing almost zero changeover time. Some entry level platform based machines now have 130+ 8mm slots giving you lots of options.

2. Some systems are designed for "hot swapping" of feeders, meaning you can change feeders while the machine is still running. Originally designed for higher utilization when reloading feeders, this can also be of an advantage when performing small to medium changeovers. Be careful when considering this as some machines must be stopped to perform this function.

3. Bank feeder mentioned should take <1 min. Almost every manufacturer now has some type of solution like this. This method employs removable feeder banks that can be preloaded offline, and swapped with the aid of a cart very quickly and repeatably before the next product is run. Not every system is designed the same though. Look for ease of use, repeatability of engagement (ie pick point accuracy), and compatibility with other machines (even from the same manufacturer).

4. Fixed Family set-ups. Having optimized setups that cover the majority, if not all of your component mix, fixed on the machine at all times reduces changeover time, but will most likely have some impact on speed. An easy sacrife if you have the feeder space, and speed is not your #1 issue.

5. And of course you can come up with hibrid solutions using some of each solution....

It all depends on your product complexity, and manufacturing philosophies.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006

The Juki 2060 can have both front and rear trolleys and you do not loose any feeder locations. My question was why can't the Assembleon put trolley on the rear?

I recently visited a friend at a company that used a lot of Assembleon and compared running speeds of similar board complexity and they were slower than my Juki.

But if you want to compare specs, my Juki can do 25mm tall components, and up to 74mmX74mm BGA & QFP, connectors up to 150mm long. BGA down to 0.25mm pitch and 0.1mm diameter bumps. QFP pitch down to 0.2mm pitch. Board size is 410x510. IPC 9850 speed is 12500, and the Opal speed is 9600.

I will be able to do 01005 (0402-metric) parts with a simple software update and a new nozzle (once they are released from the factory).

Right now I do place connectors 60mm long and caps that are 12mm tall. Both of which are beyond specs of the Opal.

The only advantage an Opal may give me it tray capacity.

List price is not worth the paper it is typed on; we all know it boils down to the deal that you can get...

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006

You could alternatively look at it another way - the customer asked how quick it would be to change over 20-25 feeders.

All of the above machines have the capacity to hold at least double this, so the question is can you run the orignal product, whilst at the same time adding the new feeders & then perform a program change over, and decant the first set of feeders whilst the second program is running?

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006

Thanks for the replies.With which ever machine we decide on the feeders with the most commonly used parts will stay on the machine. Also parts used on other jobs but not needed for the current one will be able to stay as well. The problem well run into is spare feeders. There will be times. When we will have to take parts off feeders that are on the machine to load the next job because we need those feeders. We are a low volume high mix OEM and it won't be possible to have enough extra feeders to always have everything preloaded for the next job before the machine finishes its current one. My main purpose for the question was to get some times on how long it took to laod the 25 feeders and change over to get numbers for the listed machines to use in a time comparision against our current machine. I have this info for the Contact C5 from a reference I was given and it was for 20 to 25 feeders. Thats where the 25 number came from. Our worst case change over may be approx. 40 feeders. Thanks.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006

Since you are a HM/LV facility take a look at the feeder design.

I noticed that the MyData feeders (that I have seen) peel back a lot of pockets before the pick, so when you change part numbers on the feeder there is a larger waste of components. Others manufacturers usually have a few pockets, but not many.

Also look at how much emtpy header and cover tape is needed to properly setup the feeder. As far as I know there is a standard in the tape-n-reel industry for new reels, but can you get away with needing less on the feeders. Or if the feeders are spliceable versions then you may require longer to header cover tape to properly set the cover tape thru the feeder.

In general, a feeder (with experienced operators) can be changed over relatively quickly and there isn't much difference on the maker of the machine.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006

We are also a high mix/low volume OEM and are running Samsung CP45's with quick change carts on both sides of the machine. We currently average 12 minutes of internal changeover time per run with an average of 17 changeovers/day for 2 shifts. We typically run very small lots. Our largest setup to run spread is an almost unbelieveable 3.8 hours of setup time vs. 8 minutes of run time for an 8 board order. We build in quantities as small as 4 boards/run. Seems crazy, I know, but the even crazier part is that we have been able to keep machine utilization over 60% for several months now. The trick is in the scheduling. We too considered all of the machines you mentioned and chose the Samsung platform for a variety of reasons. Luckily, we have not regretted this decision.

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 29 March, 2006


When you visit the machine suppliers, why don't you time the setup of your 25 reels of components as part of your assessment?

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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 30 March, 2006

Wow Frank

You guys must be assemblyng overengineered Gaming machine boards. You beat me. My definition of quality is fit for purpose and thats the criteria we select our equipment. I suppose the Juki does exactly for you what you need. Still the fella asked about standart change over times and all of us have given him tons of information but not the right answer. I say there is no standard change over time full stop. Who doesent agree?


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Typical SMT Machine changeover times? | 3 April, 2006

Take a kit to your prospective pick N place company and whatch or help set it up. So you can see what it takes.

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