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Stencil Fiducials

Views: 6458

Does Ekra or MPM require stencil fiducials be filled with Bl... - Feb 15, 2007 by

What-ever! (gag!) ... - Feb 16, 2007 by

SRM is way off. ... - Feb 16, 2007 by CK  



Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

Does Ekra or MPM require stencil fiducials be filled with Black Max or some other black epoxy? We still require our stencil supplier to do this. I did not have to do this on any Dek solder printers since 1997.

Can the MPM UP2000 HiE fiducial lighting be adjusted? I know if you hit "next" it sort of toggles the contrast.



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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

If you think you are having lighting issues, you should do a histogram test. It's under the test user. There is a pot on a power supply that will adjust the brightness. The power supply is right next to the Y axis motor. There should be a brown pot in the center of the ps.

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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

Your DEK could read non-blackened fids? Wow, you must have bought them from Superman. Or did you just teach baord pads and stencil openings?

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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

The E5s I had just needed the fids to be burned black. Never needed epoxy, although we did have one stencil that we had to touch up with a sharpie now and then because they didn't burn it dark enough (too hot...?).

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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

We have five 1997 DEK 265LTs, and we have never had to have the stencil house blacken any fiducials. The fiducials are etched about halfway through the stencil. You can adjust the lighting in each individual program, not just a global lighting change. We did not get them from superman, the green camera vision systems are just good.

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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007


That is the exact machine I had. I bought a Dek 265LT in 1997 or late 96. Was one of the first Dek 265LTs made. Never had to use epoxy blackened fiducials and it worked great with 1/2 etched or laser cut fiducials.


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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

Oh by the way. I did not have the green lighting. I had standard incandescent lighting.

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Stencil Fiducials | 15 February, 2007

I never worked with anything other than the green camera system. The machines are awesome considering how old they are. Changing the table break is not something I would care to do every day, they are a pain to do.

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

My DEK doesn't need fiducials.

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

You are crazy my friend. This make me so mad I pooped on the floor!

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

Probably because you are using baords, as you quoted above.

"Your DEK could read non-blackened fids? Wow, you must have bought them from Superman. Or did you just teach baord pads and stencil openings?"

In my DEKs, we use the new fangled "Boards".

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

What-ever! (gag!)

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

Just joking a little SRM. Sorry if I hit a nerve.

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

we use A EKRA X5 it can use A pad our the fiducial I generaly use A pab becuse most of our stencil don't come with the fiducials on them and our boards our HASAL and the fids our domed most of the time the smt pads work better for me

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

CK, I'm also "CK", but have been C.K. since way back.

See my old posting, from 1999:

Anyway, I now go by "CK the Flip" to avoid confusion to this forum. Funny post!

Good to meet you, guy.

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

You two gonna share a Snickers?

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

SRM, That busted me up!!! LOL!! I think a beer would be better than a Snickers though.

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

I think the homophobe, SRM, is referring to this commercial:

CK, no offense, but just because we share the same alias, don't mean we'll share a snickers anytime, a beer maybe..

SRM - get a life!!

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Stencil Fiducials | 16 February, 2007

SRM is way off.

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Stencil Fiducials | 19 February, 2007

What do you expect...he doesn't use fiducials.

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Stencil Fiducials | 19 February, 2007

I have about 40 jobs that don't have fids, yet I have to screen print adhesive or paste. I have to use the pads on the board for auto alignment. But then again, I don't use DEKs so I am inferior?

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