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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's

Views: 7164


AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 15 December, 2008


I'm interested if anyone did any comparisions now days betwen several AOI types for inline inspection of populated SMT and THT PCB's. I'm mostly interested in multicamera systems ( MIRTEC, LANDREX, ORBOTECH, VISCOM....). I have checked few of them and they are in some characteristics diferent. If you are interested we could open discusion on this mathers and excahange our opinions.



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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 16 December, 2008

Cost, ease of use, consistency, ease of programming......Mirtec Hands down, period.

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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 17 December, 2008


Thanks for reply. Do you have maybe info what is the estimated price for MV-7 machine?


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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 17 December, 2008

I have just carried out an evaluation project including Mirtec, MVP, Landrex and Viscom. If you are interested in my findings you can contact me offline. In short though, we found that each had plus points to them. If you could join together the outstanding points from each and make an AOI it would be excellent. Probably best all round value were the MVP and Mirtec. Be aware that a lot of the 'nice' tools are add-ons and don't come as standard!

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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 17 December, 2008


I have same feeling that if you would put best things together into one machine than you would get almost perfect one. But I think that I have that feeling by each machine purchase so life is not so easy with that.



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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 18 December, 2008

Hello, OMRON machine looks very good.

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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 18 December, 2008

we have omron, before buy I have evaluated lot of other machines, what I like most is the three ring at different angle lighting which allows pseudo 3-d solder joint evaluation and historgams with statistics, you can see out of total solder joints how many are with no wetting, with excess solder, with poor solder etc and you can use this as feedback to update your stencil

ommron have patent on this lighting and all other pretend they have the same, but they dont as even if they have different color lighting it's not on different angles and do not allow this 3d imaging

the programming is not so easy as on the other machines as it have lot of parameters which you can tweak, and this need experienced personal who to have played with all the parameters and make the programs, but once you learn what and how to do you can do things which are impossible to be done to the other "easy" to program machines.

so if you prefer the computer to think and write the programs instead of you - pick easy to program machine, if you want professional tool which gives you lot of freedom but have longer learning curve get one which allow you to make the program yourself


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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 18 December, 2008

We evaluated OMRON, YesTech and Mirtec. Mirtec and Yestech close at #1 and #2. Omron was a little more distant due to programming time required. We are a high volume high mix OEM builder, so speed of programming was a heavier weighted score than cost. Also figuring into our decision was availability of worldwide support for our offshore manufacturing.

In my opinion the OMRON is a well suited machine for high volume, low mix, due to the myriad lighting options and tweaking available. If I ran the same very complex PCB all the time, I might have chosen the Omron due to the sheer number of tweaks available. The detail available is remarkable, but the detail that can be had also means that debugging of AOI programs was a long and tedious task.

We went with Mirtec, currently 4 MV-7 inlines and 1 MV-3 Benchtop machine here stateside. Offshore, 2 MV-7s per SMT line, now at 4 lines with 6 more being implemented now. Great product, great support. ~hege

I would put the Mirtec and Yestech above all for overall performance / value, especially in ease of programming.

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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 19 December, 2008

Hi, our company evaluated MVP vs ViTechnology vs CyberOptics the choice is CyberOptics series ( one machine pre-reflow one post-reflow )

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AOI Inspection equipment for populated PCB's | 2 December, 2009

That may have been the case a while back and I know this is an a fairly old post, but during this year we had most onsite for trial and the latest MVP software stood out for us (plus I think the rules based method suits us best), plus their support is/has been so far, very good. I would recommend.

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