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How to connect to TpSys by socket?

Views: 9982


How to connect to TpSys by socket? | 2 November, 2016

Hi all, I am creating a c# application, and I'm trying to connect it with Tpsys, but I have some problems in the connection right now I can connect and import/export some packages but not all. The connection is by socket and to export I am using "Put Data" command and to import "Get Data", do you know if there is other command I should use? or why I can not access to all packages? there is other feature I have to set in order to get full access to all packages?

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How to connect to TpSys by socket? | 19 January, 2017

Hello Jorge,

Have you been able to complete your C# app?

I manage to do so for TPSYS 3.2 which uses PostgreSQL database.

I'm looking to do the same with TPSYS 2.4. I understand it doesn't use SQL database. I'm looking for the type of database it actually uses and the ODBC driver or file locations & names. I need to access the machines database to get the package, component, Layout, pcb, feeders, mags, production data, etc., through a more convenient way, rather than normal Export method.

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