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MPM UP3000 Question

Views: 6166


MPM UP3000 Question | 11 August, 2006

I got a 3000 that is acting crazy. After a print, the board is unclamped and the Z-axis lowers. It continues to lower until it trips the limit switch. It is suppposed to move in the Y-axis to line up with the tracks while lowering in the Z-axis. But there is no movement in the Y, just the Z. On the monitor it says "unclamping board" and when the Z-axis goes down to the limit, the computer locks up. I'm kind of stumped on this one. Please Help!

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mpm fan


MPM UP3000 Question | 11 August, 2006

It's been awhile but isn't there a sensor to tell the middle conveyor when it is lined up with the incoming and outgoing rails? If so that would explain why the table goes into Z axis overtravel. It still means your Y isn't working but makes it less mysterious.I would try taking the load off the Y motor and see if it's slipping (or not turning at all). Also you can reset the table by turning off the stepper and pushing the table all the way to the back and reset the stepper. Keep us posted.

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MPM UP3000 Question | 11 August, 2006

MPM fan, thanks for the suggestions. I like the way you think. But I forgot to mention the most important thing. It only does this a few times per shift. The rest of the time it works fine. But we must re-boot every time due to the computer locking up. I checked the sensors and motors; they all seem good. Maybe a bad board?

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mpm fan


MPM UP3000 Question | 11 August, 2006

Ahhhh. If it only screwed up "consistantly" it would be alot easier!! yeah, bad board or overheat in the card rack (filters), kinked wire?

good luck, my guess is it'll get more consistant as days pass

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MPM UP3000 Question | 11 August, 2006

That's kind of what I was thinking. It's got to be something in the card rack right? Any more suggestions would be great. When I get it fixed, I'll let you know what it was.

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MPM UP3000 Question | 14 August, 2006

We had centernest to I/O track alignment problems that were not predictable on 3000. Z-axis height seemed good with relation to I/O tracks but y was misaligned. Ended up replacing y-axis stepper and trouble went away. Also have had trouble with z-axis on 3000. Height would get lost during production and table would slowly drop out from "0". Had to reset machine to continue. Installed a new driver for z-axis stepper (retro kit from MpM). Could be the problem as well. In my opinion, if you have parts, the easiest thing to do is replace y stepper and see it goes away. Hope this helps...

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