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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa...

Views: 4783


Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 9 March, 2013

I'm setting up a rather complicated job on our quad IVc. I was almost done (after days), and after i did the sequence, i saved it, downloaded it, and started checking the picks and places, well, i needed to change one, and went back to the sequence, and it has a bunch of stuff like LEAD INSPECTION, ELECTRICAL TEST , QA by some of the picks, and has changed others from PICK 9 to PICK 0 . It also won't keep my TEP HOLD at SEQ # 1, it keeps replacing it with a Stop . What happened? I can't seem to change the line, or delete it and replace it. I don't need to do electrical testing (not that i would know how), or anything special on the parts.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 11 March, 2013

You really should edit your programs in central controller where it is much easier to follow the commands shown and to follow the extent data to see whats attached to each part/pickup.

The hht can quickly cause issues when the wrong button is pressed. If you want to delete a sequence step you press shift 2 .... to insert one press shift 1 then program what you want in the newly created step.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 11 March, 2013

Bobpan, I have found the same, although this issue is different. If go to one of those lines in CC, and delete it, then replace it with a pick 9, then save it, i go back to the pick table, and it shows the same lead inspection electrical test, etc. if i teach a part, then transfer from the machine to the CC, i get my TEP HOLD replaced with stop (and some picks replaced with PICK 0) I do all of my post-teaching on the CC, but i do need to transfer from the machine when re-teaching, or from the CC after changes. I'm not trying to delete a pick from the HHT. I'm trying to remove the extra information from a PICK in the CC.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 11 March, 2013

To get rid of the old info as far as the electrical test and so forth, just try to type in the pick number in CC, it should erase that extra info that you do not need. Do this after you uploaded your information. Hope this helps.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 11 March, 2013

Michelle, I've tried this, and the extra information goes away, until you save and then access the pick and place data again, then it is back.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 12 March, 2013

The only thing that makes sense is a problem with the program you are working on. Can you edit another program and will it save? You are seeing the same thing happen when you use the machine as and editor or central controller....this makes no sense to me. First time i have heard of it. What version of cc are you using? What is the firmware version on the machine? I believe a function 6 will tell you this.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 12 March, 2013

bobpan, It only happens with this program. CC ver 7.54, IVC V 3.05 If i leave CC out of it, and edit the sequence using the HHT, it sticks. but if i download from the assembler to CC, it's messed up. if i then fix it in CC, the minute i save and then go back and look at it, it's messed. If i then transfer it to the assembler, it is now messed as well. I've been working with the machine, and i'm conviced it has a mind of it's own. I have been getting random TEP ERROR #242. I am also now dealing with a limit error on a pick i'm trying to teach (it's in the middle of the feeders, not particularly low (Z limit), and i can move in the negative direction of X, for about 10mm when teaching before it stops moving in that direction. I'm checking the LED's on the HEAD, and seeing the X Home in Flag. Maybe all of these are related somehow? BTW, thanks for all the help.

EDIT: the Limit error is Z -289 :0 function 30 reads Nozzle height 255, center 999 run out 6.4mils this is not nearly the "lowest" pickup, but the only one that gives a limit error.

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 12 March, 2013

If you edit the sequence on the fix your then have to upload the data to central controller. If you are not doing are overwriting the data on the machine with bad data everytime you download to the machine. The limit error on the pickup can be that you have a very large number for the scan height or z-height. Follow your extents in central controller from the pickup to laser extents to see which one you are using for that pickup.

Good Luck

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 12 March, 2013

If you edit the sequence on the fix your then have to upload the data to central controller. If you are not doing are overwriting the data on the machine with bad data everytime you download to the machine. The limit error on the pickup can be that you have a very large number for the scan height or z-height. Follow your extents in central controller from the pickup to laser extents to see which one you are using for that pickup.

Good Luck

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Quad 4c Sequence lead inspection electrical test qa... | 12 March, 2013

i can only see the issue after it's uploaded to the central controller. if the sequence is edited on the HHT, from V T Pick 9 to PICK 9, it stays that way until i download to CC and go to view it.

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