Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

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0201, anyone??



0201, anyone?? | 26 July, 2001

Anyone tested or running 0201 chips?? T4 paste needed for this process? and what are the main factors to consider b4 going into it ?? Appreciate advice.

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0201, anyone?? | 26 July, 2001

We are currently testing 0201s. We are using T3 paste, and it is working fine. You will need specialized feeders, test components, and test boards. Also depends what machines you are using - some are not capable of placing 0201 components.

My suggestion: Build yourself a test board with a high density of 0201s in different locations and orientations. Ensure that you are picking right in the center of the component... (yesterday's 0402 posting had a suggestion about using silly putty to determine the pick center)

We are still in the testing process - have not actually built a real board yet...good luck! N

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0201, anyone?? | 30 July, 2001

Hi Monkey, What paste did u use ?? No clean T3 ?? Mag

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