Cleaning Options & Cost in PCB Assembly


Online Events


Thu, January 27, 2011


The majority of the industry have been running no clean processes for many years and have often neglected important issues like design for cleaning, selecting compatible components and compatibility between cleaning materials and flux residues. With increased miniaturisation and the demands of modern circuits cleaning has come back into fashion. Conformal coating is another process which has demanded special levels of surface cleanliness to guarantee coating adhesion and long term reliability.

Registrations for this smart-e-webinar will receive a copy of all of the slides presented plus a FREE set of lead-free wall charts to use on site for training. Session lasts approx. 90 min with question time

Presented by: SMART Group Technical Committee Members

Topics include:

  • PCB Design for cleaning
  • Flux compatibility with cleaning solvents
  • Solubility of soldering residues
  • Determining cleanliness standards
  • Water, semi aqueous or solvent?
  • Cost of process chemistry and equipment
  • Environmental requirements of cleaning
  • Cleaning no clean flux residues


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