SP02-TU9 Epoxy Stamping Tool (Multi-pin/ Grid)
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SP02-TU9 Epoxy Stamping Tool (Multi-pin/ Grid) |
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SP02-TU9 Epoxy Stamping Tool (Multi-pin/ Grid) Description:
Epoxy stamping tools come in various design such as single dot, star, cross and multi-tip and widely used in LED industry because of its simplicity and low cost. We manufacture hard material- tungsten carbide and ceramic materials to fit individual customer's demand in design and processing.
Multi-pin stamping tools are used in large size chip; it is easier to control the glue distribution. Our multi-skilled team of specialists can assist you with every stage of a project and provide you with wide variety of custom tool solutions.
Material: Tungsten Carbide + Stainless steel
Features: Variety of tip designs, fine material and durability, minimum maintenance required, custom-made
SP02-TU9 Epoxy Stamping Tool (Multi-pin/ Grid) was added in Mar 2021
SP02-TU9 Epoxy Stamping Tool (Multi-pin/ Grid) has been viewed 256 times
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