Novum Glass LLC Products

SMT Products and Services offered by Novum Glass LLC

Novum Glass LLC

Novum Glass LLC is a producer of solid glass microspheres in narrow size ranges from 1 micron to 1 mm. Our products are used in the electronic and automotive industry to control a uniform bondline to produce consistent components. »»

Headquarters: Rolla, Missouri, USA


Novum Glass LLC website
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2 listed by Novum Glass LLC



U-Series Uniform Solid Glass Microspheres

U-Series Uniform Solid Glass Microspheres are used to produce consistent components. These uniformly sized spheres can be incorporated into epoxy and maintain a consistent gap between contact points. This results in the ability to produce consistent parts time after time with less rejects. The...

U-Series Uniform Solid Glass Microspheres


U-Series Uniform Solid Glass Microspheres

U-Series Uniform Solid Glass Microspheres are used to produce consistent components. These uniformly sized spheres can be incorporated into epoxy and maintain a consistent gap between contact points. This results in the ability to produce consistent parts time after time with less rejects. The...


pressure curing ovens

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