
We are dedicated sourcing specialists committed to revolutionizing the way businesses find and secure the resources they need.

Consultant / Service Provider, Distributor, Manufacturer

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Odic Products

Electronic Components [Components]

Manufacturers We work with over 5000 manufacturers around the world.  Our reach is vast... These are some of the manufacturers we can supply.  Altera Vishay ...

Sourcing [Components]

Electronic Components Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Diodes, Transistors, Integrated Circuits (ICs), Sensors, Connectors and much more...   Mechanical Components ...

Planning [Design Services]

It starts with ideation and defining the project's goals, scope, requirements, and strategies. This phase involves market research, understanding user needs, and outlining the roadmap for development.

Development [Component Programming]

Coding and programming based on the design and requirements. It involves building the software, application, or system using various technologies and programming languages while adhering to best practices and standards.

Testing [Test Services]

Thoroughly assessing the product to ensure it meets quality standards and functions as intended. This includes various testing methods like unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance testing (UAT), and ensuring compatibility across different devices or ...

Contact Odic

Odic, Inc

1501 Belle Isle Avenue
Suite 110-1010
Mount Pleasant , South Carolina 29464 USA

Visit Odic Website

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