Electronics Forum: 1

How can a sound file be played out at 100dB and 21-40 kHz only?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 22:51:51 EDT 2008 | davef

Your circuit would consist of: * White noise generator * ~30Khz bandpass filter * Amplifier * Power supply You can find modules for these functions on the web. Good luck.

How can a sound file be played out at 100dB and 21-40 kHz only?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 02:49:44 EDT 2008 | paindoochod

Is it possible to hook up a computer or tape player to an amplifier and achieve this? And how about an electronic circuit design for such a device? Hint: This would be a dog barking control product. The current products on the market in this category


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