Electronics Forum: baking after wash (Page 1 of 83)

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 01:48:14 EST 2001 | hamos_wks

168hrs, 1week of storage and frequently applied for rework after testing.

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 00:32:14 EST 2001 | ianchan

we bake boards 80~120 deg-C @1hr, after in-line DI wash. oven setting to 90 deg-C, as +/-5 deg-C, tolerance against door open/shut fluctuations = "temperature loss". If anyone has evidenced procedure, that shows no need for baking, pray do share wi

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 17:36:20 EST 2001 | davef

We don�t bake between routine washing between soldering cycles. We bake when we immediately go to test or box-build. Certainly, it all depends on your process, materials, and boards. So, how did you determine that you needed to spend the money? I

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 12:01:26 EST 2001 | mparker

I have two cases where I must bake after DI wash. The moisture entrapment is specifically within microprocessor sockets. Without air gun blow out and baking, oxidation occurs that causes flaky contacts for the PGA. We will bake for 2-3 hours @ 60C. O

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 30 21:42:32 EST 2001 | surachai

I have question about board baking after in line washing machine then I would like to know some information that ; 1) Do we need board baking after in line washing machine? Both bare board and assembly borad normally we don't bake . 2)In case of ne

Boards delaminated after wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 16:25:49 EDT 2001 | Hussman

I thought Dan saw the delamination after wash - not baking? What temp are your dryers on the washer set at?

Boards delaminated after wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 15:45:06 EDT 2001 | davef

BOARD BAKING SCHEDULE: Bake time depends on the board thickness and construction. For laminated FR4 PCB, we bake between 6 and 24 hours at 100�C. ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM: Heating moisture entrapped between the laminations of the board too quickl

Boards delaminated after wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 12:18:02 EDT 2001 | nifhail

I experienced assembled boards delaminated after washed. You know...those old datecode PCBs that I was talking about a few weeks back ? I was forced to use it, and of course prior using it I've baked them. I've baked them at 125 Deg for 4 hours and/

baking out pcbs after reflow process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 11:56:20 EDT 2012 | hegemon

You might try to complete all your soldering within a 72 hour or less time frame. For all intents treat your board like a moisture sensitive component after you have baked and completed SMT reflow. Wash, blow dry, and go direct to stuffing and com

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 00:28:43 EDT 2009 | Mark

IPA is hydroscopic.

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