Electronics Forum: cleaning machines (Page 1 of 117)

pcba cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 21:27:21 EDT 2019 | aqueous

It depends on the flux type. If it's water soluble, it should be cleaned soon after reflow because OA flux remains active after reflow. If it's rosin or no-clean (low-residue), then the only concern is the longer wait time, the more difficult it will

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 02:51:44 EST 2001 | genglish

This forum is becoming a salesmans dream! I agree with the first guy, check the archives as there is alot of information about cleaning and media. Our company uses a Kerry SC1000 machine very good process but mechanically we have had problems with t

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 19:12:11 EDT 2002 | djarvis

Sorry fellas -disagree. We only clean our stencils in the ultrasonic machine at the end of the run. If the same pcb is up the next day we clean them by hand. We use Electrolube SSS and the used rolls from the in line under stencil cleaner. Wipe the

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 22:54:51 EST 2002 | davef

Mike, I know that. I wanted to be talking to Bayanbaru. Plus, I know you have no placement machines. You use ultrasonic plastic welders and screwdrivers. Dave

Stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 10:55:57 EDT 2006 | bryanhewson

I am a lay person researching the application of non-woven material in stencil rolls either using branded material or non-branded alternatives for DEK, MPM Panasonic machines in SMT environments. I have read a number of articles referring to aqueous

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | bschreiber |

Wed Sep 25 15:51:06 EDT 2002

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 22 06:21:31 EDT 2002 | Michael fogel

We are about to purchas a new cleaning machine for stencils & miss print and we are considering an ultrasonic one. Can someone light this point for me? What are the advantages / disadvantages of this method? How it effect the components and their sol

Board cleaning machine problem

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 08:50:52 EDT 2007 | pima

Hello For long time we are fighting with problem to reduce/eliminate electrostatic charge caused by board cleaning machine- we re using Teknek machine. Maybe u guys have idea or from ur experience u know how to reduce electrostatic charge at sensit

Stencil cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 12:17:26 EST 2012 | davef

Ismael: I'm not familiar with that model number. Who produced that machine?

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 22 09:39:18 EDT 2002 | davef

To get started, search the fine SMTnet Archives for discussion on stencil cleaners.

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