Electronics Forum: conveyor technologies inverter (Page 1 of 7)

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 08:01:28 EST 2010 | edmaya33

Conveyor Technologies may be the solution.We've been using this for 10 years and come up with the various sizes and configuration that suits your needs. Being a less maintenace is an added factor.

SMT/ PCT edge conveyor replacement belts

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 13:38:06 EST 2007 | ehess

Does anyone kbnow where I can find replacement belts for the old PCT (Process control Technologies) conveyors?

Conveyers Between SM Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 11:44:53 EDT 2017 | emeto

It is good to have: conveyor after SPI(if you don't have SPI should be after the printer), conveyor before the oven(inspection station is better), conveyor after the oven - before your destacker if you have one. The rest of it, depends on how long li

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 08:12:16 EDT 2006 | davef

Leading conveyor manufacturers are ATI, Conveyor Technology, Crown Simplimatic, Dynapace, Flextek, Fuji, Jot, Kanetic, Panasonic, and Process Control.

Pump Stencil

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 04:12:37 EST 2007 | AR

Hi I know that pump stencil technology can be used to print adhesive on boards with TH components already placed and clinched, but what about solder paste? The production sequence goes like this: First the jumper wires are placed and clinched with

Conveyers Between SM Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 16:32:18 EDT 2018 | solderingpro

Conveyors allow for progressive indexing and buffer zones within an SMT line. Not only do they allow technicians improved access to machines for troubleshooting or technical support (which they are VERY Thankful for), but they allow (As many people


Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 12:05:12 EDT 2004 | Rob

I got one sitting in my room that is not being used. It meets SMEMA standards and is from Conveyor Technologies Model# REF-CC-1M-1-BR. If you are interested, I can put you in contact with someone who can talk with you...

Re: Intrusive reflow..from the bottom..????

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 04:01:10 EDT 1999 | Joe Manzur

John, We are using a well known solder paste, begining with the letter "H". (I don't want to be accused of advertising). Also, we are now using a board inverter. In the early day's however, before we purchased a board inverter, we were having to

Process Control Technologies Board Loader Info

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 12:03:00 EDT 2003 | haviland

Hi David--Call Terry Jeglum @ Electronic Technologies, (630) 584-2050. He is up to speed on all the conveyor guys alive and dead. He also has some used units available. Nick Haviland.

0402 aperture design lf

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 09:50:51 EDT 2007 | pjc

There have been many designs of apertures for 0402, round, home plate, inverted home plate and various reduction amounts for square or rectangular apertures. What works best for a given application depends on PCB design, solder land finish, stencil t

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