Electronics Forum: cp40 z error (Page 1 of 26)

Samsung cp40cv motor and z axis error

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 19:42:08 EDT 2024 | tomazicrok3

Hi, I have Samsung CP40CV pick and place machine. And i want to know if i can somehow disable head 3 because i get cant restart motor alarm and some z axis error. Greetings

Samsung cp40 error code: 8311

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 09:50:38 EST 2023 | mra

Hi Fern, I'm getting the same error on my CP40 and cannot clear it as well, did you finally find out what to do to solve it? Thanks in advance!

Samsung cp40 error code: 8311

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 13:41:43 EDT 2021 | fernsure

Tried suggested solution in manual to no avail. Reseated every connector we could get to. Has anyone run into this error, and found a solution? This error does not allow me to ignore this head and use the other two. Thanks Fern

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 08:41:12 EST 2007 | geb

Hi, Our GSM1 pick and place machine has an Axis head 2 Z velocity error. None of the spindles of Head 2 work during placement and it brings up the error message. It will not proceed after that. I have tried lowering and raising the spindles in the

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 10:05:44 EST 2007 | SWAG

Make sure the program has been optimized to the current nozzle configuration.

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:12:08 EST 2007 | jaimebc

I've had experienced this issues here with our GSM's Flex heads. Try this: 1.- Clean your linear scales with alcohol and a lint free cloth. Both the X and Y. This one has fixed the majority of our errors when one of the heads just stops for no apare

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 14:02:51 EST 2007 | geb

Thanks for your help everyone. For some reason it has started working again, without altering the program or settings!!?? So I don't actually know why it has done this. Thanks again, Grant

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 13 19:34:16 EST 2007 | geb

(Its a flex head) I have made a trial program to determine at what point it stops. This is how it goes: I load the program, push the start button it will zero and pick components with head 1. As soon as it finishes placing head 1 parts it halts wher

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 11:04:09 EST 2007 | mika

zero > in manual Control > bring the head close to the end of the machine so that you can reach the head => Diagnostic meny > engage the clutches and THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: use Extreme Caution (you can flip off the X-Y circuit braker on the lower ba

MyData My9 "no z indicator value at all"

Electronics Forum | Wed May 11 20:25:38 EDT 2022 | mikevb

Thanks. Yes, I replaced the ffx board with a new one and made sure everything is cleaned. I did check the flex cable connect as I removed all of that to test continuity between everything. It all checked out continuity wise. I also tried to disable t

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