Electronics Forum: dek 248 pc dead (Page 1 of 1)

dek 248 carriage travel error

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 14:58:23 EDT 2018 | edjeske

Thank you for your response. I appreciate all anyone can provide to help with this. I have no manuals to use. I inherited this task when the usual operator dropped dead the other day. He was the only one who ever ran this machine. I was able to print

DEK 248 icon i2 screenprinter BIOS settings

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 21 22:05:01 EDT 2018 | srini1904

Hello, We have Dek 248 Icon i2 semi auto screen printer. This machine was not in use for long time and Bios battery was dead. We replaced Bios battery and now date are correct. Issue is its not communicating to control board. Suspecting Bios setti

Semi-Auto Stencil Printer Vision Systems; Homebrew

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 20 12:42:57 EST 2015 | dilogic

We have DEK248 and Ultraprint100 printers. Ultraprint100 has custom video hardware while DEK has PC-based vision,which I prefer. Both perform roughly the same, and each has some design advantages over the other. We do routinely print 0.5mm pitch TQF


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