Electronics Forum: dima smt systems (Page 1 of 90)

AOI systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 06:43:44 EST 2001 | jackofalltrades

We use AOI in-line on most our SMT lines, and still getting them for the rest our lines. It has cut down on Inspection Time considerablly, justifing the cost. They do take a trained technician to program and that is a little time consuming, but worth

labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 09:10:25 EDT 1998 | John

We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. John

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 12 16:13:31 EDT 1998 | Tom Jura

| We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT | production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. | John You

Reel storage retreival systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 19:55:11 EST 2003 | kenBliss

We offer an alternative to expensive automated systems. A manual shelving system designed specifically to store reels and make them easily accessible and organized for anyone and everyone. take a look at http://www.blissindustries.com click on SMT

used wave soldering systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 16:49:57 EST 1998 | specnor tecnic corp

we have some rebuilt wave soldering systems in stock ready to be shipped. epk-ii smt with lambda wave, chip wave ,omega wave. 4 preheaters,jacking stand roll out computer control. machine is in a great shape. another machin upk15f with 6 preheaters

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 15:15:49 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT | production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. | John Joh

i-PULSE placement systems

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 04:19:50 EDT 2006 | Rob

Hi Basem, We are seeing a lot of our customers buying M2's & M4E's, and they are very happy with them. These are intellegent, profitable & well informed CEMs in the main, and for the money there is nothing else new that competes. Depending on wh

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 18:45:11 EDT 1998 | Steve Evers

| We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT | production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. | John If

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 18:57:49 EDT 1998 | Mike Cleary

Selecting the correct label solution for SMT labeling is a science. Our company is a supplier of electronic identification products. Please let me know if you have questions regarding materials, printers, etc. I have been in this industry for over

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 21:01:45 EDT 1998 | Peter

We use an Intermec 3240 Thermal transfer printer and print on polyimid label material that survives the reflow and wave solder (top side only) process without turning black. Labels run around 3-4 cents per depending on the size (We found Imtec label

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