Electronics Forum: fixed feeder (Page 1 of 20)

Fuji feeder E-clips

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 15:38:48 EDT 2008 | jdengler

When I worked for a larger manufacturer that had multiple lines and multiple shifts we had this problem. Then we trained and rotated all of the operators through feeder maintenance. After having to fix 100 or so feeders from operator damage they us

OPAL XII tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 08:34:38 EDT 2012 | thanh


SMT feeder adapters

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 08:51:31 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

I just made a more in depth query on the floor and what I thought was one issue is many many issues. We are hadn placing parts that came in bulk instead of tubes, another issue is the vision system won't register teh part corrrectly, another is the

Machine feeder setup reduction

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 09 14:42:08 EST 2001 | vickt

Great advice!........Single tier feeder set-up carts are also available through Universal instruments directly for this exact purpose. Most people who really care about this changeover time have "pit-crews" that work in the component storage areas, o

Philips Topaz Fixed Tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 05:08:15 EST 2011 | jeffr

For all Tray type components the machine will not pickup from the tray using the adjust assistant (f6). It will default to a position where you can place the QFP onto the nozzle yourself by hand.

Philips Topaz Fixed Tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 08:36:03 EST 2011 | davemac62

Thanks a bunch. I guess I did all the tray setup right. The adjust assist thing was kicking my butt!! On the right track now. Thanks again. Dave

Philips Topaz Fixed Tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 11:44:47 EST 2011 | davemac62

I have a Topaz with 2 positions in the rear where component trays may be placed for limited tray component capability. There is not a lot in the manual on how to set this up. The Feeder Plate info is set up to allow Fix.tf. I have spec'd tray - fix.t

Philips Topaz Fixed Tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 00:11:50 EST 2011 | jeffr

Yes you must select FixedTrayFeeder. You must select TEACHING not AUTOSET. The trap is... you must select a TEACHING UNIT prior to doing the teaching (CAMERA-HEAD1-HEAD2)are the choices. Press F8 to get this menu to appear. If the camera cannot reac

How to disable feeder slots

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 20 16:47:22 EST 2005 | toml

Parameters -> Cameras) Look at the camera serial tag and you should see C4 or OAL or C4 OAL. Make sure the camera type is set to strobed RS170 (C4) or whatever type you have. Then set defaults for this camera, and power cycle. This will fix the f

Philips Topaz Fixed Tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 09:45:16 EST 2011 | davemac62

Thanks Jeff. Guess I didn't tell enough of the story. I can get the 1st part location taught (it looks like) but when I try to pick a part from the tray using adjust assistant (F6), the head changes to the appropriate nozzle and tries to pick from th

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