Electronics Forum: hmp solder (Page 1 of 4)

WANTED: HMP 30swg, (0.3mm) solder wire supplier

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 10:16:36 EDT 2006 | slaine

Hi Im trying to find a supplier for 30swg HMP solder wire idealy the alloy I want is 93.5Pb, 5Sn, 1.5Ag, 296 to 301 degrees C. Flux cored. 30swg or 0.3mm diamiter. but the critcal parts are the diameter and the melting point, 300 degrees +-20 degree

WANTED: HMP 30swg, (0.3mm) solder wire supplier

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 10:32:50 EDT 2006 | russ

Have you tried Indium corp?

WANTED: HMP 30swg, (0.3mm) solder wire supplier

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 11:24:43 EDT 2006 | Rob

Possibly Warton Metals TLS/5 www.warton-metals.co.uk/noclean.html

HMP soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 23 03:30:56 EDT 2013 | torch

thanks for the info :)

HMP Lead free solder?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 03:35:41 EDT 2005 | Slaine

I have a through hole product that is currently built with HMP solder(93.5Pb,5Sn,Ag1.5). We then dip it in 60/40 SnPb to give a solderable finish as HMP tends to oxidise. We need the HMP as our Customers solder through reflow ovens. Some customers w

HMP hand soldering.

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 14:11:32 EST 2012 | tkotwal

I'm also looking for tips for SMT hand soldering with Sn05Pb93.5Ag1.5. Our technician is quite good with standard SMT hand soldering, but hasn't worked with HMP solder. Some specific questions: - If the iron tip is hot enough (consistently), can we

HMP hand soldering.

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 21:24:00 EDT 2012 | vergara1

I'm also looking for tips for SMT hand soldering > with Sn05Pb93.5Ag1.5. Our technician is quite > good with standard SMT hand soldering, but hasn't > worked with HMP solder. > > Some specific > questions: > > - If the iron tip is hot enough >

HMP Lead free solder?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 10:44:32 EDT 2005 | Clampron

Hi Slaine, Actually, HMP Leaded solder is not complient, it is exempt only when the specific application requires this temp. Sorry for the intrusion but I am working on something very similar currently. Thanks Chris

Rohs parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 09:18:35 EDT 2005 | Slaine

As Rohs parts with lead free solders dont wet as well your operator may be mistaking this for oxidisation. there is also the posibility that the parts are manufactured with HMP solder (92.5% lead) also rosh complient but the solder dose oxidise.

HMP hand soldering.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 16:05:58 EDT 2011 | blnorman

Define High melting point solder

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